
Suffering for Doing Right

1 Peter 3:18-22

Good News Translation (GNT)


18  For Christ died (a) for sins once and for all,
   a good man on behalf of sinners, in order to
   lead you to God. He was put to death
   physically, but made alive spiritually,
19  and in his spiritual existence he went and
   preached to the imprisoned spirits.
20  These were the spirits of those who had not
   obeyed God when he waited patiently during
   the days that Noah was building his boat.
   The few people in the boat - eight in all -
   were saved by the water,
21  which was a symbol pointing to baptism,
   which now saves you. It is not the washing off
   of bodily dirt, but the promise made to God
   from a good conscience. It saves you through
   the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
22  who has gone to heaven and is at the right
   side of God, ruling over all angels and
   heavenly authorities and powers.


   Commentary taken from
   'The Applied New Testament Commentary'

Suffering for Doing Right

    1 Peter 3:18-22

Whenever we suffer for doing good, let us remember that Jesus himself walked the road of suffering before us.

He suffered for doing good, and did not deserve the suffering He received. Through His suffering he brought men to God.

Jesus died for sins once for all. Now we are free forever from the condemnation of sin. As soon as Jesus died, He was made alive again by the Spirit.

He conquered death. But not only that, He also delivers us from death, the punishment for sin.
From verse nineteen comes the section in the Apostles' Creed where it says: "He descended into hell."

After Jesus died and was made alive in spirit, three days passed before His body was resurrected, during that time he went and preached to the spirits in prison.

It is not certain what spirits Peter is talking about here. Some Bible scholars believe that they are the spirits of men who died in the flood in Noah's time without ever hearing about Jesus.

The flood in Noah's time was a sign both of judgment and salvation. God gave the evil men of Noah's time a chance to repent.

When they did not, God destroyed them all by sending a flood upon the earth. Noah and his family - eight people - were saved from the flood.

The water of the flood is an illustration or symbol of our baptism into Jesus.

The ceremony of baptism, in itself, does not save us; it is Jesus who saves us. In order to receive this salvation, all we have to do is to believe, (in Jesus)

True baptism is not an outer washing; it is an inner spiritual washing. How great and deep is the meaning of baptism!
How great is our Saviour Jesus!
He is at God's right hand. All things have been placed under His authority.

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