

A Call to Repentance

Amos 5.18-24

Good News Translation (GNT)

18  How terrible it will be for you who long for the
   day of the Lord! What good will that day do
   you? For you it will be a day of darkness and
   not of light.
19  It will be like someone who runs from a lion
   and meets a bear!
   Or like someone who comes home and puts
   his hand on the wall - only to be bitten by a
20  The day of the Lord will bring darkness
   and not light; it will be a day of gloom,
   without any brightness.
21  The Lord says, "I hate your religious festivals;
   I cannot stand them!
22  When you bring me burnt offerings and grain
   offerings, I will not accept them; I will not
   accept the animals you have fattened
   to bring me as offerings.
23  Stop your noisy songs; I do not want to listen
   to your harps.
24  Instead, let justice flow like a stream, and
   righteousness like a river that never goes dry.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

...enjoying God's favour...

In Amos' day, most people who counted for anything would have felt they were enjoying God's favour and that their good life was secure - but it was an ill-placed confidence.

Because of their past experience of God as a warrior, fighting for them, Israel's optimistic belief was that 'the day of the Lord' would produce the final destruction of all its enemies.

Amos turns the tables and declares that the day Israel is yearning for would result in its own doom and that darkness, gloom and exile lay ahead.

What do we understand by 'the day of the Lord' for us today?

Jesus' second coming? Do we desire that? If so, why do we desire it?

Will it live up to our expectations, or will we be shocked to realise that we have fallen short of God's requirements of us?

It was in its people's worship that Israel's false idea of the day was perpetuated. Now, in cutting language, God dissociates himself from the people's worship.

He cannot stomach the stench or sight of it, when they are abusing it so flagrantly. Scrap the songs and harps!

Water is essential for life; verse 24 underlines how vital justice and righteousness are in the believer's lifestyle.

We cannot love God if we do not love our neighbours - and not just those we feel comfortable with! 'Concern for the rights and welfare of all his people flows, like a mighty river, from God's own heart.

Whoever would truly serve him must go with that flow.'

Honest worship
Amos cries, 'let righteousness flow like a never-failing stream' (v 24).

He's not talking about a one-off pledge or an occasional donation on a Sunday. He's calling us to a different and radical existence.

Brennan Manning, author and priest, puts it another way: 'The great single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyles.

That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.'

Other versions are available here

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  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
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