
The Person and Work of Jesus

Colossians 1:15-20

Good News Translation (GNT)


15  Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible
   God. He is the first-born Son, superior to all
   created things
16  For through him God created everything in
   heaven and on earth, the seen and the
   unseen things, including spiritual powers,
   lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the
   whole universe through him and for him.
17  Christ existed before all things, and in union
   with him all things have their proper place.
18  He is the head of his body, the church; he is
   the source of the body's life. He is the
   first-born Son, who was raised from death,
   in order that he alone might have the first
   place in all things.
19  For it was by God's own decision that the Son
   has in himself the full nature of God.
20  Through the Son, then, God decided to bring
   the whole universe back to himself.
   God made peace through his Son's blood (a)
   on the cross and so brought back to himself
   all things, both on earth and in heaven.

   Colossians 1:20 his Son's blood;
   his Son's sacrificial death.


   Commentary taken from
   'The Applied New Testament Commentary'

The Supremacy of Jesus

  Colossians 1:15-20

No man can see God with his natural eyes; but men could clearly see Jesus while He was on earth.

God has made man in His image That's why, when God chose to come down to earth, He came in the form of a man - Jesus.

Because Jesus is the firstborn, He receives the Father's inheritance. He is the Creator. For by him all things were created. Jesus existed from before the creation of the world.

Nobody can live without a head. If we lose one member of our bodies - such as an arm or a leg or an eye - we will still live.

But if there is no head, there is no life!

Today men can't see Jesus (because He has ascended into heaven), but they can see us. Therefore, they must be able to see Jesus in us.

We must live as Jesus did, so that when other people look at us, they will indeed see him. The indwelling Holy Spirit of Jesus must shine forth in our daily speech and behaviour.

Can others see Jesus in our church? In each one of us? Is Jesus truly our Head? Or are we like a chicken with its head cut off, running here and there and soon to die?.

Jesus is the firstborn from among the dead. God raised him from the dead. And God will raise up from the dead all who truly believe.

God has given Jesus all his fullness. And through the Holy Spirit living within us and filling us, we too can possess that fullness.

Through the death of Jesus on the cross - God transferred the punishment for our sins to him. Not only are our sins washed away, but we have also been reconciled to God.

There is now peace between us and God. Paul says here that God's purpose was to reconcile to himself all things.

It means that the entire creation is going to be placed under Christ's authority and lordship.

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