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God's Promise of Hope

Ezekiel 17:22-24

Good News Translation (GNT)


22  This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
   "I will take the top of a tall cedar and break off
   a tender sprout; I will plant it on a high
23  on Israel's highest mountain. It will grow
   branches and bear seed and become
   a magnificent cedar. Birds of every kind will
   live there and find shelter in its shade.
24  All the trees in the land will know that I am the
   Lord. I cut down the tall trees and make small
   trees grow tall. I wither up the green trees
   and make the dry trees become green.
   I, the Lord, have spoken.
   I will do what I have said I would do."


 Commentary taken from
'The Sermon Writer'
 Copyright 2012, Richard Niell Donovan

God's Promise of Hope

     Ezekiel 17:22-24

The earlier verses were an account of judgment. Verses 22-24 are an account of redemption - of salvation.

Yahweh promises to take a sprig from the top of a cedar and plant it "on a high and lofty mountain."

Yahweh has carefully selected this cedar sprig to insure that it will root and grow tall and straight.

The land of Israel has many mountains. The one that comes to mind here is Mount Zion, the site of Jerusalem and the temple. When Ezekiel writes these words, the Jerusalem Temple is still standing, but its days are numbered.

Ezekiel, in fact, is prophesying its demise. Nebuchadnezzar will raze the temple to the ground, but that will not be the end.
These would be surprising words to the people of Judah - surprising and, perhaps, not very welcome. Keep the metaphor clearly in mind. When Yahweh talks about planting the sprig of a cedar so that "it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar" he is really promising to restore the people of Israel on their holy mountain, Mount Zion.

He is promising to re-establish the temple there so that the people of Israel might once again worship Yahweh there.

But this reference to "all birds of every kind" clearly refers to people outside the Jewish community - Gentiles.
Allusions to the salvation of the Gentiles occur as far back as Abram's time. God said to Abram, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you. ALL OF THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU" (Genesis 12:3).

Other versions are available here

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