God Calls Ezekiel to Be a Prophet
Ezekiel 2:1-5
Good News Translation (GNT)
Ezekiel 1:28
28 When I saw this, I fell face downward on the
ground. Then I heard a voice
Ezekiel 2:1-5
1 saying, "Mortal man, stand up. I want to talk
to you."
2 While the voice was speaking, God's spirit
entered me and raised me to my feet, and I
heard the voice continue,
3 "Mortal man, I am sending you to the people
of Israel. They have rebelled and turned
against me and are still rebels, just as their
ancestors were.
4 They are stubborn and do not respect me,
so I am sending you to tell them what I, the
Sovereign Lord, am saying to them.
5 Whether those rebels listen to you or not,
they will know that a prophet has been among
Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by the Scripture Union
and from
The Bible Reading Fellowship New Daylight
God Calls Ezekiel to Be a Prophet
Ezekiel 2:1-5
The problem with those to whom Ezekiel was being sent
was that they were not yet ready to acknowledge any fault or
responsibility on their own part.
Yahweh was their God and it was his responsibility
to sort out all their troubles.
So it was his fault they were in exile and
why should they listen to him anyway?
They had not grasped at all what it meant to be in
covenant relationship with God and why obedience
and loyalty were as important as receiving blessings.
Driven into exile with his people,
Ezekiel must first have been at a huge loss as to what to do.
Previously his days would have been full of the ritual
of his work at the temple in Jerusalem. He would have
enjoyed significant status and respect -
he may have been a well-known figure and perhaps
enjoyed some comfort and prosperity.
Now all that has been taken from him, and he is simply
an exile living with his fellow exiles.
But God has other plans for him - he must speak out to the
children of Israel on God's behalf.
Ezekiel has been chosen to reprimand his people,
to tell them the unpleasant truth that what has happened to
them is a result of their own sin,
and that further punishment awaits.
Ezekiel isn't even given a guarantee of success at this
difficult task - for it doesn't matter
'whether they listen or fail to listen'.
But they do need to know that
'a prophet has been among them' (v. 5),
for that is the first stage in their rescue and redemption.
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