

God's Covenant with Noah

Genesis 9:8-17

Good News Translation (GNT)

  8  God said to Noah and his sons,
  9  "I am now making my covenant with you and
   with your descendants,
10  and with all living beings - all birds and all
   animals - everything that came out of the boat
   with you.
11  With these words I make my covenant with
   I promise that never again will all living beings
   be destroyed by a flood; never again will a
   flood destroy the earth.
12  As a sign of this everlasting covenant which
   I am making with you and with all living beings,
13  I am putting my bow in the clouds. It will be
   the sign of my covenant with the world.
14  Whenever I cover the sky with clouds and the
   rainbow appears,
15  I will remember my promise to you and to all
   the animals that a flood will never again
   destroy all living beings.
16  When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will
   see it and remember the everlasting covenant
   between me and all living beings on earth.
17  That is the sign of the promise which I am
   making to all living beings."


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

God's Covenant with Noah

      Genesis 9:8-17

The story of Noah is a very familiar one, which I remember hearing many times during my childhood.

The problem with the Noah story is that because we think we know the story, we often don't read the whole story.

We read about the ark and the flood, the dove and the rainbow but for most of us the story stops there. But there's more,

This passage describes God making a covenant with 'every living creature' and, as was common in the ancient world, views this as including creatures inhabiting the skies (birds) and land (domesticated and wild animals).

The word translated 'covenant' here is used to describe a contract regulating the relationship between two parties.

Throughout the Bible are records of various covenants between God and human beings, alone or as families or nations.

As Christians, we are drawn into the new covenant, sealed by Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

The covenant in Genesis 9 is unusual because God here promises something to 'all flesh', that is, including animals and not just humans.

Why does God not just make a covenant with Noah and his descendants - or perhaps with the humans and their domesticated animals that provide them with items necessary for daily life?

The more biologists uncover of the natural world, the more they become aware of the interdependency within and among all living things.

There are highly intricate and dynamic relationships within each living cell, between cells, between organs in bodies and between animals and plants, both as individuals and as whole populations.

We are part of a web of life. God did not create us in isolation but as creatures embedded within a wider created order. Moreover, here and elsewhere in the scriptures we find evidence of the Lord's ongoing faithfulness towards all that lives, not just humankind.

If we think about the worst recent floods there have been, for me Bangladesh springs to mind, although this was a huge disaster, people lost their lives, their families and their homes, it was only one country.

It is almost impossible to imagine that kind of flooding in every country at the same time, but that is what Noah and his family actually experienced.

When we think about Noah's experience, we realise how important God's promise would have been to Noah, how important are God's promises to us?

Thank you, Lord God, that you care for and continue to support all that you have made. Help us, Lord, to consider how we should live in relationship with your wider world in a way that respects you and all your creation.

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