

The Good News of Deliverancee

Isaiah 61.1-11

Good News Translation (GNT)

  1  The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his
   Spirit. He has chosen me and sent me to
   bring good news to the poor, to heal the
   broken-hearted, to announce release to
   captives and freedom to those in prison.
  2   He has sent me to proclaim that the time has
   come when the Lord will save his people and
   defeat their enemies. He has sent me to
   comfort all who mourn,
  3   To give to those who mourn in Zion joy and
   gladness instead of grief, a song of praise
   instead of sorrow. They will be like trees that
   the Lord himself has planted. They will all do
   what is right, and God will be praised for what
   he has done.
  4   They will rebuild cities that have long been in
  5  My people, foreigners will serve you. They will
   take care of your flocks and farm your land
   and tend your vineyards.
  6  And you will be known as the priests of the
   Lord, The servants of our God. You will enjoy
   the wealth of the nations and be proud that it
   is yours.
  7  Your shame and disgrace are ended. You will
   live in your own land, And your wealth will be
   doubled; Your joy will last forever.
  8  The Lord says, "I love justice and I hate
   oppression and crime. I will faithfully reward
   my people and make an eternal covenant with
  9  They will be famous among the nations;
   Everyone who sees them will know that they
   are a people whom I have blessed."
;10  Jerusalem rejoices because of what the Lord
   has done. She is like a bride dressed for her
   wedding. God has clothed her with salvation
   and victory.
;11  As surely as seeds sprout and grow, the
   Sovereign Lord will save his people, and all
   the nations will praise him.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

The Good News of Deliverance

Some five hundred years before Jesus opened that scroll, reading from Isaiah in the Nazareth synagogue (Luke 4:16-21), God's Spirit spoke through a mysteriously nameless prophet to people who badly needed the 'good news' that he so vividly and unforgettably depicts.

Like the prophecies of chapter 60, this alternative vision is not about incremental improvements, but total transformation.

Broken hearts healed, prisoners released, grief turned to joy, despondency to song, urban decay to thriving city communities, shame to glad confidence.

I wonder if people's reactions to these prophecies, in their original setting, were as varied as when Jesus reclaimed them as the manifesto for his work on earth?

For some, these would have been disturbing ideas, alternative visions that threatened people whose comfortable lives, even in newly resettled Jerusalem, depended on self-interest or exploiting others.

What is 'good news to the oppressed' (v 1) is bad news to the oppressors.

The prophet's proclamation of the 'year of the Lord's favour' (v 2) signals the importance God gave, and still gives, to the jubilee cycles that ensure rest for the earth, family bonding, generous business practices, care for the poor and welcome for the stranger (Leviticus 25).
The two visions are starkly contrasting: ruined cities and generations of decay (v 4) or God's flourishing garden of goodness (v 11).

Other versions are available here

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