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Israel's Return Home

   Jeremiah 31:7-14

   Good News Translation (GNT)


  7  The Lord says,

         "Sing with joy for Israel,
         the greatest of the nations.
         Sing your song of praise,
         'The Lord has saved his [b] people;
         he has rescued all who are left.'
  8        I will bring them from the north
         and gather them from the ends of the
         The blind and the lame will come with
         pregnant women and those about to give
         They will come back a great nation.
  9        My people will return weeping,
         praying as I lead them back.
         I will guide them to streams of water,
         on a smooth road where they will not
         I am like a father to Israel,
         and Ephraim is my oldest son."

10  The Lord says,

         "Nations, listen to me
         and proclaim my words on the far-off
         I scattered my people, but I will gather
         and guard them as a shepherd guards his
11        I have set Israel's people free
         and have saved them from a mighty
12        They will come and sing for joy on
         Mount Zion
         and be delighted with my gifts -
         gifts of grain and wine and olive oil,
         gifts of sheep and cattle.
         They will be like a well-watered garden;
         they will have everything they need.
13        Then the young women will dance and be
         and men, young and old, will rejoice.
         I will comfort them and turn their mourning
         into joy,
         their sorrow into gladness.
14        I will fill the priests with the richest food
         and satisfy all the needs of my people.
         I, the Lord, have spoken."

         Jeremiah 31:7 Some ancient translations
         The Lord has saved his;
         Hebrew Lord save your.


Adapted from Sermon Writer
Copyright 2008, 2010, Richard Niell Donovan

Israel's Return Home

    Jeremiah 31:7-14

"At that time, says Yahweh.
It indicates a time in the future - the near future - when God will do wondrous things.
This verse foresees the reunification of Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom - separated since the time of Rehoboam.

'Those people who had escaped death' refers back to the time when the Lord delivered Israel from its captivity in Egypt
That deliverance from slavery also serves as a metaphor for the deliverance that the Lord plans to implement to free the Hebrews from their current captivity in Babylon.

The Lord made it possible for Israel to survive in the wilderness.
But the grace that they experienced in the wilderness was more than just physical.
During their wilderness journey, they received the law and became the Lord's covenant people.
"The 'rest' that Israel sought included having a place to call one's own, that is, an end to wandering and freedom from threats".

The word Israel is confusing in this chapter, because it sometimes clearly refers to the northern kingdom - and sometimes clearly refers to the combined kingdom of Israel and Judah - but often is ambiguous.

Earlier, the Lord promised to maintain "covenant and loving kindness with them who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations".
Now Yahweh says that he has loved his people with an everlasting love.

Earlier, the Lord said, "I will cause to cease ... the sound of mirth and the voice of gladness".
Now that Israel has been purged of her sinfulness and forgiven for her sins, she will go forth in rejoicing once again.

Earlier, the Lord said, "Many shepherds have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness"
Now Israel will be permitted to restore the vineyards.
These vineyards are a means by which people are sustained physically, but they also serve as a metaphor for life and vitality - for prosperity - for the Lord's favour.

"After returning from the exile, they will find a desolate land. They will have to replant.
The law forbids the people to eat the fruit of the vineyards for three years.
The fruit from the fourth year is to be dedicated to the Lord.
Only in the fifth and subsequent years will the people be permitted to eat the fruit.
This verse, then, promises that these people can replant with the assurance that they will be around to enjoy the fruit five years later.
This is the Lord's promise of a secure and prosperous future.

Sentinels usually stand guard to warn of an approaching enemy or of intruders in the vineyard - but that will not be their purpose here.
Ephraim is one of the ten tribes of the northern kingdom.
Zion is Jerusalem, the city where Solomon's temple was located - the city where the exiles will rebuild the temple when they are finally allowed to return to their homeland.
These sentinels will not call out to warn of an enemy or an intruder, but will call people to worship.

The fact that these Ephraimites (from the northern kingdom) will call people to go to Jerusalem (in the southern kingdom) to worship God stands as a symbol of the new unity that Israel will enjoy.
There will no longer be north and south, but only the people of God.

Other versions are available here

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