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Another Promise of Hope

Jeremiah 33.14-16

Good News Translation (GNT)


14  The Lord said, "The time is coming when I will
   fulfill the promise that I made to the people of
   Israel and Judah.
15  At that time I will choose as king a righteous
   descendant of David. That king will do what is
   right and just throughout the land.
16  The people of Judah and of Jerusalem will be
   rescued and will live in safety. The city will be
   called 'The Lord Our Salvation.'"


Commentary taken from Today Devotional
Long Ago and Now By Dean Deppe

Another Promise of Hope

      Jeremiah 33.14-16

The expectations about a Messiah changed throughout Israel's history.

At first the anointed one was seen as a king who descended from David and ruled over Israel.
Then God's people longed for an ideal kingly Messiah, also of David's line, who would rule justly and establish a meaningful time of peace.
This king would be a wonderful counsellor and the true representative of almighty God.

Later, after the release from exile, the Medo-Persian rulers would not allow Zerubbabel, the prince descended from David, to be king.
Instead they chose the high priest Joshua to be Israel's leader.
So then the concept of two anointed ones became the norm.

Another stage began after the Old Testament Scriptures were complete.
When Rome took over Palestine, the people mistakenly began to expect the messiah-king to militarily defeat their Roman oppressors.

Into this situation Jesus of Nazareth arrived.
And he fulfilled all the expectations from the Old Testament.
Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law, was the true heir of David, became the suffering servant of Isaiah 42-53, and proved to be our chief prophet, only high priest, and eternal king.

Jesus is all we need. Let him speak to you today.

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