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God Restores Fertility to the Land

Joel 2.21-27

Good News Translation (GNT)


21  "Fields, don't be afraid, but be joyful and glad
   because of all the Lord has done for you.
22  Animals, don't be afraid. The pastures are
   green; the trees bear their fruit, and there are
   plenty of figs and grapes.
23  "Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice at what the
   Lord your God has done for you. He has given
   you the right amount of autumn rain; [b] he
   has poured down the winter rain for you and
   the spring rain as before.
24  The threshing places will be full of grain; the
   pits beside the presses will overflow with
   wine and olive oil.
25  I will give you back what you lost in the years
   when swarms of locusts ate your crops.
   It was I who sent this army against you.
26  Now you will have plenty to eat, and be
   satisfied. You will praise the Lord your God,
   who has done wonderful things for you.
   My people will never be despised again.
27  Then, Israel, you will know that I am among
   you and that I, the Lord, am your God
   and there is no other. My people will never be
   despised again.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

God Restores Fertility to the Land

 Joel 2.21-27

Today's passage promises a great restoration.
'I will repay you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten'.

Joel paints a picture of the greening of the wilderness and the returning of fruitfulness for fields and crops. The rains fall and the rivers run full. This is often how it is with God: light after darkness, glory after gloom, mercy after judgement, life after death.

The weight of the passage rests firmly on the promise of a restoration of the people and city of God.

Joel is not only interested in the flourishing of people. Throughout the book, he shows great tenderness towards the created world.
According to Genesis 2, the first human (Adam) was made from the dust of the ground (adamah). Here, the prophet addresses that same ground. 'Do not be afraid, land [adamah] of Judah; be glad and rejoice'

Joel is fully aware that all things are connected.
Humans depend on the planet and its web of interconnected relationships. The created world is important because it nurtures and sustains human life and well-being, but it is valuable too because of its intrinsic worth.

The earth with its soil, plants and animals is part of the garden planet God has made. If it suffers under the judgement of God, it also receives blessing in the renewal of God.

God cares about the greening of the wilderness, the fruitfulness of trees and the well-being of animals and plants.

It is a pity that, too often, we do not.

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