
The Coming of the Son of Man

Luke 21:25-36

Good News Translation (GNT)


The Coming of the Son of Man

25  "There will be strange things happening to the
   sun, the moon, and the stars. On earth whole
   countries will be in despair, afraid of the roar
   of the sea and the raging tides.
26  People will faint from fear as they wait for what
   is coming over the whole earth, for the powers
   in space will be driven from their courses.
27  Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in a
   cloud with great power and glory.
28  When these things begin to happen, stand up
   and raise your heads, because your salvation
   is near."

The Lesson of the Fig Tree
29  Then Jesus told them this parable: "Think of
   the fig tree and all the other trees.
30  When you see their leaves beginning to
   appear, you know that summer is near.
31  In the same way, when you see these things
   happening, you will know that the Kingdom of
   God is about to come.
32  "Remember that all these things will take place
   before the people now living have all died.
33  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my
   words will never pass away.

The Need to Watch
34  "Be careful not to let yourselves become
   occupied with too much feasting and drinking
   and with the worries of this life, or that
   Day may suddenly catch you
35  like a trap. For it will come upon all people
   everywhere on earth.
36  Be on watch and pray always that you will
   have the strength to go safely through all
   those things that will happen and to stand
   before the Son of Man."


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by
Scripture Union

The Coming of the Son of Man

    Luke 21:25-36

After predicting the destruction of the Temple, Jesus continued his conversation with the disciples by shifting the focus to his second coming.

It is important in this discourse to note two warnings given by Jesus.

The first involves a warning to be on guard so that we are not overcome with drunken revelry and concerns of this life.
The second warning is to be alert and pray at all times.
Only by heeding these warnings will we be prepared for the day of Christ's coming and not be caught unawares (vs 34,36).

Instead of addressing when the destruction of the Temple and his coming would take place, Jesus drew the attention of the disciples to their own readiness.

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in increased interest in end-times prophecies in some Christian circles, with some trying to predict when the second coming of Jesus might take place.

Our reading today reminds us that we should not be speculating when the end of time might come.
What is central to the teaching of Jesus is for us to keep watch and be ready at all times.
We should live our lives in the light of his coming again!

We should not be like those caught unprepared - as with the flood in Noah's day and Sodom's destruction in Abraham's time.
How can we be watchful today as we patiently wait for Jesus' second coming?

What must you change and what must you do differently, as you live your life in light of Jesus' coming again?

O Lord, make us watchful and awake as we await your coming, that when you appear you may find us faithful in your service and joyful in hope.

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