The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Good News Translation (GNT)
41 Every year the parents of Jesus went to
Jerusalem for the Passover Festival.
42 When Jesus was twelve years old, they went
to the festival as usual.
43 When the festival was over, they started back
home, but the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem.
His parents did not know this;
44 they thought that he was with the group, so
they travelled a whole day and then started
looking for him among their relatives and
45 They did not find him, so they went back to
Jerusalem looking for him.
46 On the third day they found him in the Temple,
sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to
them and asking questions.
47 All who heard him were amazed at his
intelligent answers.
48 His parents were astonished when they saw
him, and his mother said to him,
"Son, why have you done this to us?
Your father and I have been terribly worried
trying to find you."
49 He answered them, "Why did you have to look
for me? Didn't you know that I had to be in
my Father's house?"
50 But they did not understand his answer.
51 So Jesus went back with them to Nazareth,
where he was obedient to them. His mother
treasured all these things in her heart.
52 Jesus grew both in body and in wisdom,
gaining favour with God and people.
Commentary taken from
'The Applied New Testament Commentary'
The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Feast of the Passover.
So each year Joseph and Mary also travelled to Jerusalem for this purpose.
When Jesus was twelve, Joseph and Mary went with Jesus to Jerusalem for the Passover as usual, but when it came time to return home, Jesus did not go with His parents.
There were hundreds of Jews who were returning together to Nazareth, and Joseph and Mary assumed that Jesus was in the group but walking with relatives and friends instead of with His parents.
But after walking a day, Joseph and Mary discovered that Jesus was not with the group at all.
So Joseph and Mary returned to Jerusalem.
After three days they found Jesus in the temple talking with the teachers of the law.
Those who heard Jesus were amazed at His understanding (verse 47).
But His parents rebuked Him for giving them such anxiety.
But Jesus replied, "You should have known where to find me.
I have things to do in my Father's house" - that is, in the temple.
From this we know that Jesus, even in childhood, knew that He was God's Son, the Messiah.
But His parents still didn't fully understand why their twelve-year-old son had to stay behind in the temple for three days.
Jesus' parents insisted that He return home with them, and Luke says that He was obedient to them.
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature.
After this, little is known about Jesus until He came to be baptised by John the Baptist about eighteen years later.
From Mark 6:3, it seems that Jesus learned to be a carpenter like His father Joseph (Matthew 13:55).
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