

Mark 13:24-37

Good News Translation (GNT)


The Coming of the Son of Man
24  "In the days after that time of trouble
   the sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer
25  the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers
   in space will be driven from their courses.
26  Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in
   the clouds with great power and glory.
27  He will send the angels out to the four corners
   of the earth to gather God's chosen people
   from one end of the world to the other.

The Lesson of the Fig Tree
28  "Let the fig tree teach you a lesson. When its
   branches become green and tender and it
   starts putting out leaves, you know that
   summer is near.
29  In the same way, when you see these things
   happening, you will know that the time is near,
   ready to begin. (a)
30  Remember that all these things will happen
   before the people now living have all died.
31  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my
   words will never pass away.

No One Knows the Day or Hour
32  "No one knows, however, when that day or
   hour will come - neither the angels in heaven,
    nor the Son; only the Father knows.
33  Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know
   when the time will come.
34  It will be like a man who goes away from
   home on a trip and leaves his servants in
   charge, after giving to each one his own work
   to do and after telling the doorkeeper to keep
35  Watch, then, because you do not know
   when the master of the house is coming -
   it might be in the evening or at midnight
   or before dawn or at sunrise.
36  If he comes suddenly, he must not find you
37  What I say to you, then, I say to all: Watch!"

   Mark 13:29
   the time is near, ready to begin;
   he is near, ready to come.


Commentary taken from
'The Applied New Testament Commentary'

The End of the World

After talking about the destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus then began to describe the end of the world.

Jesus at this point also said: "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken".

At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.

In all of history since the creation of the world, there are only two events whose significance will last forever.

First, the coming of Jesus Christ into the world the first time.
Second, the coming again of Jesus Christ.

At that time, Jesus will gather those who have believed - from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.

He will gather us into His eternal kingdom where we shall live together with Him forever.

When he comes again, all other men will faint from terror. Those who have rejected Jesus as Saviour will have to face Him as their judge.

But those who have believed in Jesus will have no fear. For Jesus said, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near".

The Destruction of Jerusalem

Just as the new leaves on a fig tree are a sign that summer has come, so the events described were signs that Jerusalem was about to be destroyed.

Jesus prophesied that all these things - would occur within the lifetime of His own generation. This prophecy was fulfilled in 70 A.D. (The Destruction of Jerusalem)

My words will never pass away. They are more certain and permanent than the earth and sky. When we see great trees and great mountains, we think: "These things are certain; they will last."

When we look at the sun and moon and stars, we think: "These things will last forever." But they will one day pass away.

The only things that will last are Jesus and His words. Remember, Jesus Himself is the Word of God, who in the beginning was with God, and was God, and whose kingdom will never end.

The Day and Hour Unknown

No one knows about that day or hour; that is, no one except the Father knows when Jesus will come again. Not even Jesus Himself knows. Jesus could come today, tomorrow.
Will He find us sleeping?
Will He find us faithful?

Many Christians spend time trying to predict when the Christ will come again. This is folly. They'd be better off spending their time doing the work Jesus has given them to do instead of wondering when He is going to come again.

Jesus went away into heaven and left his house, that is, His church, in our hands.

He has given all of us the task of praying, watching, and witnessing. He will come back to earth like a thief, that is, when no one expects Him.

Let us not say to ourselves: "He will not come soon. I have time to get ready. I'll sleep a little longer. I'll witness to that person another time. I'll do that good deed some other day. I'll give up that sin tomorrow."

Let us not make such a terrible mistake. Jesus can come any time, and if He does not find us ready and doing His will, He will throw us out.

To keep watch means to remain in his will at all times. We need to live each day as if het was going to return tomorrow.

We need to test ourselves by asking ourselves this question: If an angel from heaven were to tell us today that Christ was going to come next week, or next month, would we live our lives any differently?

If the answer is "Yes," then we are not watching, we are not ready.
"What I say to you, I say to everyone:

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