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Jesus and Beelzebul

Mark 3.20-35

Good News Translation (GNT)


20  Then Jesus went home. Again such a large
   crowd gathered that Jesus and his disciples
   had no time to eat.
21  When his family heard about it, they set out to
   take charge of him, because people were
   saying, "He's gone mad!"
22  Some teachers of the Law who had come
   from Jerusalem were saying, "He has
   Beelzebul in him! It is the chief of the demons
   who gives him the power to drive them out."
23  So Jesus called them to him and spoke to
   them in parables: "How can Satan drive out
24  If a country divides itself into groups which
   fight each other, that country will fall
25  If a family divides itself into groups which fight
   each other, that family will fall apart.
26  So if Satan's kingdom divides into groups,
   it cannot last, but will fall apart and come to
   an end.
27  "No one can break into a strong man's house
   and take away his belongings unless he first
   ties up the strong man; then he can plunder
   his house.
28  "I assure you that people can be forgiven
   all their sins and all the evil things they
   may say. (a)
29  But whoever says evil things against the Holy
   Spirit will never be forgiven, because he has
   committed an eternal sin."
30  Jesus said this because some people were
   saying, "He has an evil spirit in him."

   Jesus' Mother and Brothers
31  Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived.
   They stood outside the house and sent in a
   message, asking for him.
32  A crowd was sitting around Jesus, and they
   said to him, "Look, your mother and your
   brothers and sisters are outside, and they
   want you."
33  Jesus answered,
  "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?"
34  He looked at the people sitting around him
   and said, "Look! Here are my mother and my
35  Whoever does what God wants is my brother,
   my sister, my mother."

   Mark 3:28 evil things they may say;
   evil things they may say against God.


Commentary taken from
'The Applied New Testament Commentary'

Jesus' Mother and Brothers

     Mark 3:20-35

When Jesus' family heard of His activities, they thought He was out of his mind, because He never allowed proper time to eat and sleep. Therefore, they came to take charge of him.

According to Matthew 12:22-23, Jesus at that same time cured a demon-possessed man, whom the demon had rendered blind and dumb. The people were amazed and said, "Could this be the Son of David?" - that is, the Messiah.

But the Pharisees denied that Jesus was the "Son of David" whom the Jews had been waiting for. They said that His power came not from God but from Satan. They accused Jesus Himself of being demon-possessed.

They said that He cast out the demon by Satan's power. Why would the prince of demons cast out his own demons? If he did that, his kingdom, or his house, would be divided against itself and, as a result, would quickly be destroyed.

To free the demon-possessed, Jesus had to enter the strong man's house (Satan's house) and bind Satan. Yet He did not completely defeat Satan while He was here on earth. Only at the end of the world will Satan finally be completely destroyed

In the warfare with Satan and his evil spirits, one cannot remain neutral. Men are either on Satan's side or on the side of Jesus; there is no middle ground.

Jesus was working by the power of God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The Pharisees were calling the Holy Spirit "Satan"! This is why Jesus gave this warning about blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Jesus says here that all the sins and blasphemies of men, even words spoken against the Son of Man will be forgiven, if one repents.

Only one sin cannot be forgiven, that is, blasphemy against the Spirit. What is blasphemy against the Spirit? It is persistent rejection of God's Spirit. God calls us through His Spirit. When we reject and abuse His Spirit, God has no other way of calling us further. We cut ourselves off from the mercy and forgiveness of God.

The Holy Spirit is like a bridge between us and God. If we destroy the bridge, our hope of salvation, our hope of entering the kingdom of God, will be lost.

Jesus' Mother and Brothers
Then Jesus' family arrived where He was teaching. Mark mentions here Jesus' brothers. Some Christians think that these were not true brothers of Jesus. They believe that Mary had no other children besides Jesus. But according to an ordinary understanding of these verses, Mark is talking here about Jesus' younger brothers, sons of Mary and Joseph. However, only Jesus was born by the Holy Spirit

Jesus did not mean to dishonour His own family. He was simply teaching that while our fleshly family is very important, our spiritual family is even more important.

Those who believe in Jesus and obey God's will are of one spiritual family, children of God, brothers and sisters of each other. This spiritual family will last for all eternity. We must be closer to our believing brothers and sisters than to our own unbelieving fleshly family.

We must always be closer to Jesus and His church above our own father and mother, brothers and sisters

Other versions are available here

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