

Matthew 24:1-14

Good News Translation (GNT)


   Jesus Speaks of
   the Destruction of the Temple

  1  Jesus left and was going away from the
   Temple when his disciples came to him to call
   his attention to its buildings.
  2  "Yes," he said, "you may well look at all these.
   I tell you this: not a single stone here will be
   left in its place; every one of them will be
   thrown down."

   Troubles and Persecutions
  3  As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the
   disciples came to him in private. "Tell us when
   all this will be," they asked, "and what will
   happen to show that it is the time for your
   coming and the end of the age."
  4  Jesus answered, "Watch out, and do not let
   anyone fool you.
  5  Many men, claiming to speak for me, will
   come and say, 'I am the Messiah!' and they
   will fool many people.
  6  You are going to hear the noise of battles
   close by and the news of battles far away; but
   do not be troubled. Such things must happen,
   but they do not mean that the end has come.
  7  Countries will fight each other; kingdoms will
   attack one another. There will be famines and
   earthquakes everywhere.
  8  All these things are like the first pains of
  9  "Then you will be arrested and handed over to
   be punished and be put to death. Everyone
   will hate you because of me.
10  Many will give up their faith at that time; they
   will betray one another and hate one another.
11  Then many false prophets will appear and fool
   many people.
12  Such will be the spread of evil that many
   people's love will grow cold.
13  But whoever holds out to the end will be
14  And this Good News about the Kingdom will
   be preached through all the world for a witness
   to all people; and then the end will come.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by
Scripture Union

The destruction of the temple and signs of the end times

The disciples of Jesus were clearly overawed by the magnificence of the Temple of Jerusalem.

Located 200 feet above the Kidron valley and said to have taken up a sixth of the city, it dominated the skyline.
So Jesus' prophecy that it would be brought to ruin must have startled them enormously.

Even more, its destruction (in ad 70) was to foreshadow many other kinds of destruction.
Wars, earthquakes, catastrophes and famines would multiply in future times.

Disasters and political conflicts were not the only events which Jesus foretold.
For the disciples, the predictions of severe persecution and suffering were closer to home and would affect not only them but followers of Jesus over centuries to come.

Hatred and martyrdom would confront those who chose the way of Jesus;
the integrity of the church itself could be threatened.

The temptation to betray fellow believers, to follow false leaders and to fall away from the faith would challenge the lives of Christians in the last days.

Jesus was uncompromisingly honest in sharing this prophecy with his disciples.
He never promised an easy life for his followers, but warned that they would suffer.

Today, his picture is a clear reflection of the plight of millions of believers in the persecuted church.
Across the world, many of Jesus' followers undergo discrimination, persecution, incarceration and death.

Organisations such as Open Doors work to support them and expose the injustices.

Yet, as Jesus also foretold, the gospel is being preached powerfully across the globe, often through their sufferings.

Today, the challenge to Christians everywhere is to stand firm, to identify compassionately with those who suffer and to work together for God's kingdom.

In praying for the safety of those who suffer for their faith, explore the websites of Christians who work with them and support them.
Author: Elaine Storkey

Other versions are available here

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