

Micah Denounces Israel's Leaders

Mica 3.5-12

Good News Translation (GNT)

  5  My people are deceived by prophets who
   promise peace to those who pay them, but
   threaten war for those who don't. To these
   prophets the Lord says,
  6  "Prophets, your day is almost over; the sun is
   going down on you. Because you mislead my
   people, you will have no more prophetic
   visions, and you will not be able to predict
  7  Those who predict the future will be disgraced
   by their failure. They will all be humiliated
   because God does not answer them.
  8  But as for me, the Lord fills me with his spirit
   and power, and gives me a sense of justice
   and the courage to tell the people of Israel
   what their sins are.
  9  Listen to me, you rulers of Israel, you that hate
   justice and turn right into wrong.
10  You are building God's city, Jerusalem, on a
   foundation of murder and injustice.
11  The city's rulers govern for bribes, the priests
   interpret the Law for pay, the prophets give
   their revelations for money - and they all claim
   that the Lord is with them. "No harm will come
   to us," they say. "The Lord is with us."
12  And so, because of you, Zion will be ploughed
   like a field, Jerusalem will become a pile of
   ruins, and the Temple hill will become a forest.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

Oppression and injustice

Micah's denunciation of self-serving leaders and false prophets (vs 5-7) continues.

Leaders, priests and prophets all work in collusion to exploit and oppress the poor and vulnerable (vs 9-11a); justice is despised and distorted. Worse, all this is being done in the name of the Lord (v 11b).

Speaking out

While other false prophets claim the Lord's protection for God's people regardless of their behaviour, Micah, empowered by the Spirit, is bold enough to speak out about what is wrong.
Jerusalem, the centre of worship, will suffer the same fate as Samaria: complete destruction and exile.

Perhaps we take it for granted that there will always be a Christian church in our country, that God will never withdraw his protection and blessing.
The church at Ephesus thought so (see Revelation 2:1-7, especially v 5), but it was not too long before both city and church disappeared from the map!

What does it mean for a church to remain faithful to the Lord?
In church life, what aspects do you think should change and adapt to fit the prevailing culture, and what aspects and parts of the message should never vary?

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