


Philippians 4:1-9

Good News Translation (GNT)

1  So then, my friends, how dear you are to me
  and how I miss you! How happy you make me,
   and how proud I am of you! - this, dear friends,
   is how you should stand firm in your life in
   the Lord.
2  Euodia and Syntyche, please, I beg you, try to
   agree as sisters in the Lord.
3  And you too, my faithful partner, I want you to
   help these women; for they have worked hard
   with me to spread the gospel, together with
   Clement and all my other fellow workers,
   whose names are in God's book of the living.
4  May you always be joyful in your union with
   the Lord. I say it again: rejoice!
5  Show a gentle attitude toward everyone.
   The Lord is coming soon.
6  Don't worry about anything, but in all your
   prayers ask God for what you need, always
   asking him with a thankful heart.
7  And God's peace, which is far beyond human
   understanding, will keep your hearts and
   minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.
8  In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds
   with those things that are good and that
   deserve praise: things that are true,
   noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable.
9  Put into practice what you learned and
   received from me, both from my words and
   from my actions. And the God who gives us
   peace will be with you.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by Scripture Union

Philippians 4:1-9

Euodia and Syntyche are remembered as strong and inflexible characters. Too easily we forget that they were a sociological phenomenon.

In Hellenistic civilisation women normally lived a life of absolute seclusion. They were given nothing to do beyond household tasks.

In Jewish culture they were no better. Male Jews in their morning prayers gave thanks that God had not made them Gentiles, slaves or women.

Euodia and Syntyche may not arrive at the same views on particular issues; but they can arrive at one mind. The mind of Christ is one of humility and trust in God.

A focus on the right things (v 8) should help them keep their disagreements in perspective.

Unity among believers is essential for a healthy church and a testimony to the world. Realising that they may need help, Paul asks a third party to mediate (v 3).

This 'true companion' is anonymous, but perhaps Paul is referring to the Philippian church as a single entity to help these two women reconcile.

Paul encourages three attitudes in verses 4-6. First, he wants the Philippians to be joyful 'in the Lord' because belonging to Christ and knowing him brings joy, irrespective of circumstances.

Second, they are to strive to be gentle (i.e. kind, courteous) to 'all', regardless of who they are.

Third, because everyone is prone to anxiety at times, Paul urges his readers to pray 'with thanksgiving' to the one who takes care of the birds and the flowers. The result will be God's all-encompassing peace, protecting those who are 'in Christ Jesus' (v 7).

In verse 8, Paul urges the Philippians to focus their minds on specific virtues and practise them: whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable.

These moral qualities were not unique to Christianity - they were also promoted in Graeco-Roman culture - so Paul seems to appeal to natural morality.

In addition to these natural moral qualities, Paul urges the Philippians to practise everything they have learnt, received, heard and seen in him (v 9), echoing his earlier directive to imitate him.

Other versions are available here

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