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Proverbs 22.1-2, 8-9 and 22-23

Good News Translation (GNT)


  1  If you have to choose between a good
   reputation and great wealth, choose a good
  2  The rich and the poor have this in common:
   the Lord made them both.
  8  If you plant the seeds of injustice, disaster will
   spring up, and your oppression of others will
  9  Be generous and share your food with the
   poor. You will be blessed for it.
22  Don't take advantage of the poor just because
   you can; don't take advantage of those who
   stand helpless in court.
23  The Lord will argue their case for them and
   threaten the life of anyone who threatens


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

In this passage we see the outcome of some actions, the consequence of others.

Solomon, the writer of these proverbs and reputed to have been the wisest man ever, shows us the outcome and consequences of being rich.
We're reminded to watch the company we keep.

The other verses pinpoint our own behaviour and our attitude to the Lord and others.

This is wise: life is better when your name is not being dragged through the mud because of something that you've done or left undone.
Granted, no one can prevent malicious talk entirely, but you can live so as to deprive the malicious of at least some ammunition.

Calm your temper (v 8) and sow gifts generously (v 9), for both will yield their harvests.

How you treat the poor and needy. Be kind. Don't exploit them. Don't crush them (vv.22-23).

Other versions are available here

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