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The Capable Wife

Proverbs 31.10-31

Good News Translation (GNT)


10  How hard it is to find a capable wife!
   She is worth far more than jewels!
11  Her husband puts his confidence in her, and
   he will never be poor.
12  As long as she lives, she does him good and
   never harm.
13  She keeps herself busy making wool and linen
14  She brings home food from out-of-the-way
   places, as merchant ships do.
15  She gets up before daylight to prepare food
   for her family and to tell her servant women
   what to do.
16  She looks at land and buys it, and with money
   she has earned she plants a vineyard.
17  She is a hard worker, strong and industrious.
18  She knows the value of everything she makes,
   and works late into the night.
19  She spins her own thread and weaves her
   own cloth.
20  She is generous to the poor and needy.
21  She doesn't worry when it snows, because
   her family has warm clothing.
22  She makes bedspreads and wears clothes
   of fine purple linen.
23  Her husband is well known, one of the leading
24  She makes clothes and belts, and sells them
   to merchants.
25  She is strong and respected and not afraid of
   the future.
26  She speaks with a gentle wisdom.
27  She is always busy and looks after her
   family's needs.
28  Her children show their appreciation, and her
   husband praises her.
29  He says, "Many women are good wives, but
   you are the best of them all."
30  Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears,
   but a woman who honours the Lord should be
31  Give her credit for all she does.
   She deserves the respect of everyone.


Commentary taken from the Bible In One Year
A Commentary by Nicky Gumbel

PROVERBS 31:10-20
Prioritise relationships over money
Relationships matter far more than money.
For example, all the money in the world cannot compensate for an unhappy marriage.
On the other hand, anyone who has a happy marriage 'lacks nothing of value' (v.11):
'A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value' (vv.10-11).

As the writer of Proverbs extols the virtues of 'a wife of noble character', he begins with a number of areas of her life that relate directly or indirectly to finance.
She is a great example of someone who has the right attitude to money.
As John Wesley said, 'Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.'

1. 'Earn all you can'
She is hardworking and diligent in earning a living: 'She gets up early and provides food for her family' (vv.12-15a).
She is a good steward. She invests her money wisely. She trades profitably (vv.16-18a).

2. 'Save all you can'
She enjoys her work and the good things of life (v.13).
She saves some of her earnings. She puts money aside (v.16, MSG).

3. 'Give all you can'
She is generous.
'She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy' (v.20).
Generous giving is the appropriate response to God's generosity and to the needs of others.
It is the way to break materialism.

Lord, help me to be a good steward of everything you entrust to me.
May I always be generous, especially to the poor and needy.

PROVERBS 31:21-31
The bride to be proud of
As you read the characteristics of 'a good wife' (MSG), realise that much of this applies not only to wives, nor even only to women.

As we are the bride of Christ, it applies to us all; men and women, married and unmarried.
This is what the church should be like - and through Jesus, one day, will be like.
This description of 'the wife of noble character' is the model human bride.
She keeps her family warm (v.21); she is well dressed (v.22b).

Her husband is respected because of her (v.23a).
Her business flourishes (v.24).
She is clothed with strength and dignity (v.25a).
She can face the future with confidence and joy (v.25b).
Her words are full of wisdom (v.26). 'When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say and she always says it kindly' (v.26, MSG).

What a great model! Avoid words that are full of hatred, anger, resentment and distrust. Only speak kind words.
She watches over the affairs of her household and 'does not eat the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and self-pity)' (v.27, AMP).
Her children 'arise and call her blessed' (v.28a).

Abraham Lincoln said, 'No man is poor who has had a godly mother.'

Not only is she appreciated by her children, her husband also praises her and says,
'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all' (vv.28b-29).
The last verses focus on all women:
'Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.
Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises!' (vv.30-31, MSG).

Father, thank you for this picture of what the church should be like - the bride of Christ.
Help us to be the kind of church in which Jesus can take pride.

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