

In Praise of God's Goodness

Psalm 107_1_9

Good News Translation (GNT)


1  "Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
   his love is eternal!"
2  Repeat these words in praise to the Lord, all
   you whom he has saved. He has rescued
   you from your enemies
3  and has brought you back from foreign
   countries, from east and west, from north
   and south.(a)
4  Some wandered in the trackless desert and
   could not find their way to a city to live in.
5  They were hungry and thirsty and had given up
   all hope.
6  Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
   and he saved them from their distress.
7  He led them by a straight road to a city where
   they could live.
8  They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
   for the wonderful things he did for them.
9  He satisfies those who are thirsty and fills the
   hungry with good things.

    Psalm 107:3 Probable text south;
    Hebrew the Mediterranean Sea
    (meaning "west").

Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'In Praise of God's Goodness'
Psalm 107:1-9

The psalmist may be referring to specific experiences of God's people in exile in Babylon or simply tragedies that happen in any place and at any time.

The point is that if, in answer to a cry for help, God comes to the rescue, the right response is to thank him.

This is a psalm of God's love and faithfulness in the most dire and seemingly hopeless circumstances.

With image mounting upon image, the psalmist graphically depicts the anguish and distress that despairing people down through the ages have always felt, especially when they know that their agony may be self-inflicted.

They are lost, hungry and thirsty and imprisoned. They are at their wits' end. They sit in the deepest gloom, close to the gates of death, life itself ebbing away.

Yet all this dark despair is punctuated by glorious refrains of the faithfulness of God.

The key word is that wonderful Hebrew word 'hesed'. This is the supreme attribute of God, standing eternally above and beyond all God's other attributes of justice, knowledge and power.

It flows through the Scriptures, leaving Bible translators feeling inadequate to find words to communicate its profound meaning.

English translators through the centuries have struggled to express its depths. No single English Bible always translates 'hesed' the same way. Words like faithfulness, goodness, steadfastness, loving kindness, mercy, constancy and unfailing love have all been used but nowhere do they quite suffice.

The power of this psalm lies in its universality. We may not have experienced all these feelings, but in the narratives of our lives we have all felt some of them.

We have all felt lost, lonely or trapped. We know what it is to find life directionless, threatening or painful.

When, at the end, all the stanzas of our life can be written, may they be punctuated by refrains of gratitude to God for his immeasurable grace towards us.

Other versions are available here

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