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"In Praise of the Lord"

Psalm 111

Good News Translation (GNT)


  1  With all my heart I will thank the Lord in the
   assembly of his people.
  2  How wonderful are the things the Lord does!
   All who are delighted with them want to
   understand them.
  3  All he does is full of honour and majesty;
   his righteousness is eternal.
  4  The Lord does not let us forget his wonderful
   actions; he is kind and merciful.
  5  He provides food for those who honour him;
   he never forgets his covenant.
  6  He has shown his power to his people by
   giving them the lands of foreigners.
  7  In all he does he is faithful and just; all his
   commands are dependable.
  8  They last for all time; they were given in truth
   and righteousness.
  9  He set his people free and made an eternal
   covenant with them. Holy and mighty is he!
10  The way to become wise is to honour the
   Lord; (a) he gives sound judgment to all who
   obey his commands. He is to be praised

   Psalm 111:10 The way....the Lord;
   The most important part of wisdom is
   honouring the Lord.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'In Praise of the Lord'

   Psalm 111

This psalm is a great hymn of praise for God's wonderful works. It may be paired with Psalm 112, which celebrates those who reflect his character in their lives.

Psalm 111 is a Hallel psalm, sung by pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover.

Jesus' disciples may well have sung it before going out to Gethsemane (Matthew 26:30).

It is one of nine psalms in which all the lines start with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

This facilitated memorisation, but it means there is no logical flow to the thoughts. However, its unifying theme is praise to God for his works of creation, providence and redemption.

It is possibly written by a Temple musician, but it is equally relevant for singing by an inner family circle ('in the council', (assembly) v 1) or by congregational worship for the Temple festival celebrations

God's work of creation never ceases to astound and delight both the smallest child and the most learned scientist, because of its beauty, variety, immensity, minute detail and intricate composition.

The words of verse 2 are engraved over the entrance of the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, UK, which has produced many of the greatest discoveries in physics since 1874.

To those with faith, discoveries of science bring greater glory to the Creator.

Further cause for praise is God's gracious and merciful work of provision for those who are in covenant relationship with him and fear him, but his greatest work is that of entering into covenant relationship and redeeming his people, those who fear him.

It is entirely appropriate that we honour this God, who judges our work, as our father.

Other versions are available here

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