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"The Security of God's People"

Psalm 125

Good News Translation (GNT)


  1  Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount
   Zion, which can never be shaken, never be
  2  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the
   Lord surrounds his people, now and forever.
  3  The wicked will not always rule over the land
   of the righteous; if they did, the righteous
   themselves might do evil.
  4  Lord, do good to those who are good, to those
   who obey your commands.
  5  But when you punish the wicked, punish also
   those who abandon your ways.
   Peace be with Israel!


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'Secure in God'

   Psalm 125

As they make their way to one of the annual festivals, pilgrims would have sung this psalm.
They were walking towards Jerusalem or Mount Zion, a city that was ringed with mountains and was itself a hilltop fortress, secure and unshakable (vs 1,2).

But what mattered more than geography was that this was the place where God's people lived, and he surrounded them (v 2).
Their security depended on God.
That's why, 'those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion' (v 1).
They are enveloped by his eternal care and providence.

And yet, there seems to be a threat (v 3).
The rule of the wicked hovers over God's people.
It won't remain, but it's there now.
Perhaps the 'The wicked will not always rule over the land' is one of the many armies that surrounded Jerusalem and wanted to wipe it out.
Perhaps it was one of the many ungodly kings who ruled God's people and dragged them down with him.

God's people even today feel the tension of living between the safety of God's promises to them (vs 1,2), and the evil they experience (v 3).
Unless God limits evil, even the righteous will be tempted to take matters into their own hands and be lured to do wrong (v 3b).

Verses 4 and 5 are therefore a prayer that God would take matters into his hands.
Whether the evil you face is external or internal, pray that God would judge and restrain evil, and protect all who walk in his ways.

Other versions are available here

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