
"A Prayer for Deliverance"

Psalm 126

Good News Translation (GNT)


1  When the Lord brought us back to Jerusalem,
   (a) was like a dream!
2  How we laughed, we sang for joy! Then the
   other nations said about us, The Lord did
   great things for them."
3  Indeed he did great things for us; how happy
   we were!
4  Lord, make us prosperous again, (b) just as
   the rain brings water back to dry riverbeds.
5  Let those who wept as they planted their crops,
   gather the harvest with joy!
6  Those who wept as they went out carrying the
   seed will come back singing for joy, as they
   bring in the harvest.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'A Prayer for Deliverance'

It's good to pause and take a break from the busyness of life and make time with other believers to praise our God for all he has done for us.

In this psalm we see God's people of long ago, doing just that.

This is one of the Israelites' festal songs which they sang together as they travelled towards Jerusalem to celebrate their festivals.

The song recalls the exiles' return from Babylon to Jerusalem.

They had heard of their homeland, but never seen it.

Their knowledge of it had been kept alive by older fellow-exiles telling their story.

Similarly, we are tasked with keeping the story alive for younger generations.

Once the exiles see Zion for themselves - laughter, singing and joy are the result.

The psalm emphasises that God is the one who orchestrates this song.

He is the one who has 'restored', who 'has done great things' (vs 1,2). It doesn't stop with celebration, though.

There is work to be done. The exiles return to a city without walls or temple, with homes destroyed and overgrown fields.

Their joy and praise help them to recognise what God has done and so give them hope for the future.

God will complete what he has begun (see Philippians 1:6).

Their remembrance of the past and consequent faith in God gives them the energy to face the tough times ahead (vs 5,6), knowing that God will be with them, rejoicing in the restoration
of his people.

For us too, it's good to celebrate and recognise God's work in our lives, but our work isn't finished yet.

Pausing to praise should reinforce our faith and determination to live for him, certain that he will do great things in an unknown future.

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