
"The Reward of Obedience to
   the Lord and Care"

Psalm 128

Good News Translation (GNT)


1  Happy are those who obey the Lord, who live
   by his commands.
2  Your work will provide for your needs; you will
   be happy and prosperous.
3  Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in your
   home, and your children will be like young
   olive trees around your table.
4  A man who obeys the Lord will surely be
   blessed like this.
5  May the Lord bless you from Zion! May you
   see Jerusalem prosper all the days of your life!
6  May you live to see your grandchildren!
   Peace be with Israel!


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'The Reward of Obedience to
 the Lord'

   Psalm 128

It's easy to think that this psalm proclaims a health-and-wealth gospel to the Jewish pilgrims who travelled up to the temple in Jerusalem.

With its emphasis upon prosperity, children, longevity and peace, the psalm appears to promise the good life to those who fear the Lord.

Yet, the experience of many sincere believers is very different: barrenness, ill-health, poverty and conflict.

Does this mean that they do not truly 'fear the Lord'?

Before we jump to this conclusion, we need to understand the context.

In the Old Testament Israel, Jerusalem and Zion frequently represent God's people, city and temple respectively.

As such, they are a partial fulfilment of God's creation plan.

At the beginning of Genesis, the divine mandate to humanity was to be fruitful, and multiply and fill the earth, with the intention of establishing a world-wide temple-city that would be God's dwelling place on earth.

Although Adam and Eve's betrayal of God jeopardised the divine project, those who journeyed to Jerusalem did so in the belief that the temple-city they visited anticipated a time when God's presence and glory would fill a transformed earth, dominated by a greater temple-city.

The psalm rightly associates blessing with the divine presence, but the blessings listed look towards the future.

Centuries later, in a different context, Jesus too affirmed that those who feared God will be blessed.

Other versions are available here

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