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"A Hymn of Praise"

Psalm 145.10-19

Good News Translation (GNT)


"A song of praise by David."


10  All your creatures, Lord, will praise you,
   and all your people will give you thanks.
11  They will speak of the glory
   of your royal power and tell of your might,
12  so that everyone will know your mighty deeds
   and the glorious majesty of your kingdom.
13  Your rule is eternal, and you are king forever.
   The Lord is faithful to his promises;
   he is merciful in all his acts.
14  He helps those who are in trouble;
   he lifts those who have fallen.
15  All living things look hopefully to you,
   and you give them food when they need it.
16  You give them enough
   and satisfy the needs of all.
17  The Lord is righteous in all he does,
   merciful in all his acts.
18  He is near to those who call to him,
   who call to him with sincerity.
19  He supplies the needs of those
   who honour him
   he hears their cries and saves them.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'A Hymn of Praise'

This is a psalm to read slowly and meditatively, identifying the different qualities and actions of God which shine through.

If you have time, spend a few moments going through it again. The psalm starts with a determination to praise and concludes with an invitation to praise. In between, the psalmist celebrates God's character and actions.

Little comment is needed, for each statement about God's character and activity, each ascription of praise, speaks for itself.

As elsewhere in the Old Testament, his mighty acts are portrayed as encompassing creation, salvation and providence.

Praise affects the world. To worship God as king is to assert an alternative reality. It is to say that whatever human pretensions to power may exist, it is God who reigns supreme.

However things appear, or however we might want them to be, it is not we who are in control, but God. Pliny, governor of Bythinia, wrote to the Emperor Trajan in AD112 seeking advice on how to deal with Christians.

His concern was that, because they met before dawn on the first day of the week and sang a hymn to Jesus, as to a god, they were thereby proclaiming him to be king and the subject of worship, rather than Caesar.

In worship we declare to the powers, both secular and spiritual, that God reigns and that he will have the final word.

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