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"A Cry of Anguish and a Song
   of Praise"

   Psalm 22.1-15

   Good News Translation (GNT)

   "Hebrew Title:

   A psalm by David."


  1  My God, my God, why have you abandoned
   me? I have cried desperately for help, but still
   it does not come.
  2  During the day I call to you, my God, but you
   do not answer; I call at night, but get no rest.
  3  But you are enthroned as the Holy One, the
   one whom Israel praises.
  4  Our ancestors put their trust in you; they
   trusted you, and you saved them.
  5  They called to you and escaped from danger;
   they trusted you and were not disappointed.
  6  But I am no longer a human being; I am a
   worm, despised and scorned by everyone!
  7  All who see me make fun of me; they stick out
   their tongues and shake their heads.
  8  "You relied on the Lord," they say.
   "Why doesn't he save you? If the Lord likes
   you, why doesn't he help you?"
  9  It was you who brought me safely through
   birth, and when I was a baby, you kept me
10  I have relied on you since the day I was born,
   and you have always been my God.
11  Do not stay away from me! Trouble is near,
   and there is no one to help.
12  Many enemies surround me like bulls; they
   are all around me, like fierce bulls from
   the land of Bashan.
13  They open their mouths like lions, roaring and
   tearing at me.
14  My strength is gone, gone like water spilled on
   the ground. All my bones are out of joint; my
   heart is like melted wax.
15  My throat [a] is as dry as dust, and my tongue
   sticks to the roof of my mouth. You have left
   me for dead in the dust.

   Psalm 22:15 Probable text throat;
   Hebrew strength.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'A Cry of Anguish and a Song
   of Praise'

When we know Scripture, we read Psalm 22 and see the pitiable sight of the crucified God - man Jesus and hear his cry of desperation.

We know it is our sin separating him from his beloved Father as he is emotionally and physically abandoned, bearing our guilt.

Later verses of this psalm remind us that our shame too is laid on him as he suffers the disgrace (vs 6-8) of public spectacle, his bones out of joint (v 14), his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth (v 15).
Mockers circle his tortured body as others cast lots for his garments (v 18).
We can imagine him nearly naked in these hours of torment, perhaps even losing control of his bodily functions, and our shame laid on him is as distressing as our guilt.

Those of us who have suffered depression, or been close to someone who has, can also hear in these verses echoes of the psalmist's deep distress, and it startles us.

Was this young David's story, harassed and hiding in a cave with enemies encircling him like wild animals?
Is it ours?
Even as it sounds familiar, we realise that in our darkest hour Jesus has known what we are experiencing and has gone further, into and through death itself.

Other versions are available here

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