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A Song of Praise

Psalm 22.25-31

Good News Translation (GNT)


25  In the full assembly I will praise you for what
    you have done; in the presence of those who
    worship you I will offer the sacrifices I
26  The poor will eat as much as they want;
    those who come to the Lord will praise him.
    May they prosper forever!
27  All nations will remember the Lord. From
    every part of the world they will turn to him;
    all races will worship him.
28  The Lord is king, and he rules the nations.
29  All proud people will bow down to him; (a)
    all mortals will bow down before him.
30  Future generations will serve him; they will
    speak of the Lord to the coming generation.
31   People not yet born will be told: "The Lord
    saved his people."

    Psalm 22:29 Probable text
    will bow down to him;
    Hebrew will eat and bow down.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

A Song of Praise

     Psalm 22:25-31

Try to imagine 'all the ends of the earth' (NIV) worshipping God and let it inspire your heart for the plans and purposes of God in the earth today.

The Old Testament prophecies of Messiah, read properly, reveal that his purpose is achieved through suffering.

The heart of Christian theology is that our salvation is accomplished through suffering, but this is never the end of the matter. Suffering leads to victory (vs 24,) and to praise (vs 25,26) and then to proclamation(vs 27).

If God were visible, everything would look different. When God does come into view (v 24), the psalmist's eyes start to open too, into a great vision of praise, reaching and rippling outwards.

Those who seek the Lord will praise him' (v 26). Then the circle moves out to 'the nations' (v 27), and reaches forward to 'future generations a people yet unborn'(vs 30, 31)

The psalmist does not look for Israel alone to hear of the greatness of its God but for all nations to come and worship him. He does not limit the proclamation of his message to one generation, but he also looks for those not yet born to rejoice in the deliverance of God.

Like him, we have a message to be proclaimed to all people and we are now seeing people from every nation respond to it. This is our God.

So where do you fit in this list of those to whom the Lord speaks? Are you amongst the poor and hungry? Are you a proud member of one of the "families of the nations"? The word of God speaks to all sorts and conditions of men.

This universality brings all men to the place where the Lord is to be acknowledged, to be praised and to be worshipped.

It is not enough to see another fulfilling his vow. It is not enough to say God is great. (Though both of these are worthy actions.) You and I are called to worship Him completely because He rules the nations!

The poet here speaks to my time and times yet to be. Even as one generation goes down to the dust, so my generation picks up the challenge to serve Him.

And you are the future generation. And generations yet to be will hear and rejoice in what the Lord has done. Brilliant!

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