

The Prayer of a Good Person

Psalm 26.1-8

Good News Translation (GNT)


  By David"

1 Declare me innocent, O Lord, because I do what is right
   and trust you completely.
2 Examine me and test me, Lord; judge my desires
   and thoughts.
3 Your constant love is my guide; your faithfulness always
   leads me. (a)
4 I do not keep company with worthless people; I have
   nothing to do with hypocrites.
5 I hate the company of the evil and avoid the wicked.
6 Lord, I wash my hands to show that I am innocent and
   march in worship around your altar.
7 I sing a hymn of thanksgiving and tell of all your
   wonderful deeds.
8 I love the house where you live, O Lord, the place where
   your glory dwells.

   Psalm 26:3 your faithfulness always leads me;
   or I live in loyalty to you.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'I live in loyalty to you'.

The indignant tone of this psalm suggests that the psalmist has been accused of committing some offence of which he declares himself innocent before God.

Who exactly is confronting him isn't clear, but we know that David lived through any number of difficult circumstances. From the effects of Saul's jealousy not long after his anointing as the second king of Israel right through to the end of his reign and the troubles he had with his son Absalom, he had to contend with the type of people described here.

He is adamant that he has never courted the company of such people; he also vigorously defends the way he lives and the reality of his faith, using the ritual of hand-washing and a declaration of security in God to support himself.

He also invites God to examine his thoughts and feelings, and prays to be saved from the situation he's in.

Turning to God in the face of antagonism or opposition is exactly the right thing to do. When we have an experience of negative criticism, or things are said about a situation (or ourselves) that are untrue, or facts are manipulated against us (the list could go on!), there's a tremendous temptation to want to justify ourselves in the sight of all concerned, to refute the accusations, to expose to public view the lies of those who confront us. This wasn't the psalmist's way.

He turned to God for vindication; he wanted God to bring about his redemption.

Jumping up and down with self-righteous indignation in defence of our reputation -
even when we're in the right -
doesn't honour God, and our behaviour should place God's honour higher than our own.

Easier said than done?

Yes. Difficult to live with adverse public opinion?

Yes. Trust in the Lord?


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