

A Prayer for Help

Psalm 70

Good News Translation (GNT)


1  Save me, O God! Lord, help me now!
2  May those who try to kill me be defeated
   and confused. May those who are happy
   because of my troubles be turned back
   and disgraced.
3  May those who make fun of me be dismayed
   by their defeat.
4  May all who come to you be glad and joyful.
   May all who are thankful for your salvation
   always say, "How great is God!"
5  I am weak and poor; come to me quickly,
   O God. You are my saviour and my Lord -
   hurry to my aid!

  Psalm 70:1 In Hebrew texts 70:1-5 is
  numbered 70:2-6.


Commentary taken from BRF New Daylight

'Save me, O God!'

These opening words will be familiar to many because of their place in the liturgies of some Western churches.

Much of this psalm has in fact already appeared as the final verses of Psalm 40.

Like many good prayers or hymns, it is worth repeating.

Although the superscription of the psalm says 'Of David', this could mean that it belonged to David's collection rather than that it was composed by him.

We can imagine times in David's career when it might indeed have applied, but, as with many psalms, no context is given.

It can thus be used by many different people for many different occasions. We can use it to give expression to our urgently felt needs.

The psalm makes no bones about the need for help and swift deliverance.

The 'saving' that is sought (e.g. v 1) is not the ultimate salvation of Christian hope (though this is not excluded) but rather the temporal and immediate deliverance that is needed from the hostile intentions of others.

There is a lot of this in the psalms, more perhaps than most of us are apt to experience in our ordinary lives. However, there is no doubt that those who hold positions of significant leadership often have to contend with more than their fair share.

Others might wonder why anyone is foolish enough to want to lead. For some, though, it is their vocation.

Is it reverent to ask God to get a move on?

Apparently so. Or at least, God does not mind if we do. Urgent language expresses how deep we feel our need to be (v 5), our sense of yearning and the importance of what we believe to be at stake.

Furthermore, 'The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness'    .... (2 Pet 3:9).

We can ask God to be true to God's own self. 'He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."'    .... (Rev 22:20)

Other versions are available here

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