
"A Hymn in
Time of National Trouble"

Psalm 89.1-8

Good News Translation (GNT)

 A poem by Ethan the Ezrahite"


1  Lord, I will always sing of your constant love;
   I will proclaim your faithfulness forever.
2  I know that your love will last for all time,
   that your faithfulness is as permanent as the
3  You said, "I have made a covenant with the
   man I chose; I have promised my servant
4  'A descendant of yours will always be king;
   I will preserve your dynasty forever.'"
5  The heavens sing of the wonderful things you
   do; the holy ones sing of your faithfulness,
6  No one in heaven is like you, Lord; none of the
   heavenly beings is your equal.
7  You are feared in the council of the holy ones;
   they all stand in awe of you.
8  Lord God Almighty, none is as mighty as you;
   in all things you are faithful, O Lord.


Commentary taken from 'word-on-the-web'
supplied by Scripture Union

'Celebrating God'

This was written by someone who knew about King David's rise and fall - about good times and bad times.

The title of this psalm is 'A Contemplation of Ethan the Ezrahite.'

There are several men named Ethan in the Hebrew Scriptures.

This man is mentioned specifically in (1 Kings 4:31) as someone who was famous for his wisdom - yet surpassed by Solomon's greater wisdom.

This means he was likely a contemporary of Solomon and was also alive during the reign of David.

This Messianic psalm reflects on the eternal covenant that will ultimately be realized through King David's descendant, the Lord Jesus Christ.

It develops themes of God's love and protection for His covenant people, laying the foundation for worshiping God wherever we are.

Initially this psalm reads simply as a celebration of God's goodness and greatness.

The psalmist begins by declaring God's love and his resolve to make it known (vs 1,2). He acknowledges God's power and reign (vs 5-11).

The first part insists that God is faithful, and that his promise to secure David's reign is solid (vs 3,4).

This was quite a step of faith, knowing what he knows about David and the bitter ending of his reign.

But perhaps the writer wants us to see past David to another coming King.

With hindsight, we know that David's kingdom did survive the Exile and One of David's line came to be the world's King.

We may not always understand what God is doing, or why he is doing it, but Scripture assures us that he will never ultimately abandon his loving purposes.

Other versions are available here

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