

Concluding Prayer of Praise

Romans 16.25-27

Good News Translation (GNT)

25  Let us give glory to God! He is able to make
   you stand firm in your faith, according to the
   Good News I preach about Jesus Christ and
   according to the revelation of the secret truth
   which was hidden for long ages in the past.
26  Now, however, that truth has been brought out
   into the open through the writings of the
   prophets; and by the command of the eternal
   God it is made known to all nations, so that all
   may believe and obey.
27  To the only God, who alone is all-wise, be
   glory through Jesus Christ forever!


Commentary taken from
'The Applied New Testament Commentary'

Concluding Prayer of Praise

Paul here calls the Gospel my gospel, because he preaches it.

But, of course, it is really the proclamation of Jesus Christ. Whenever we preach, the proclamation of Jesus must be the central and pervading subject of our preaching.

The "mystery" hidden for long ages past is that men and women are saved, not through their own works, but through faith in Jesus.

The mystery concerning salvation through Jesus was first revealed through the prophetic writings of the Old Testament prophets.

But most people didn't truly understand what the prophets were saying.

This mystery was revealed so that all nations might believe in Jesus and obey Him.

Notice again how believing and obeying must always go together. Without obedience, there can be no true faith.

Obedience is the fruit and work of faith. We must not just listen to the Gospel; we must also obey it. Otherwise, there is no point in listening to it.

Paul concludes this, the greatest of his letters, by saying that God will be glorified through the life of Jesus, God's righteousness, goodness, mercy, and love have been fully revealed.

To this, the only wise God, and to His Son Jesus Christ, be glory forever.

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