
  6th August 2023

Andrew Sharpe offers


The Benefits of Praying in Tongues

When I was nineteen, I received my prayer language. This was a long time ago and there have been long seasons where I haven't used it and long seasons where I've prayed in tongues regularly.

Consistent, daily praying in the Spirit is like dynamite in your relationship with God.
It's explosive, but you have to do it regularly to reap the rewards.

Praying in the Spirit makes our hearts more focused on the things of the Spirit.
Sometimes we may not feel any immediate effects. It can take time; sort of like building muscle mass. Other times, the Holy Spirit can crash into our lives suddenly, like a damn breaking.

However you start out in your journey, be patient and know that God knows you, loves you, and see's you. His plan for your life is perfect, your part is to say yes and cooperate with it.

1 Corinthians 14:2 says,

"For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God...he utters mysteries in the Spirit."

Our minds are illuminated to understand things that would otherwise be hidden, enabling us to tap into the mind of Jesus and understand things that our natural minds could never comprehend.

When we speak to God in tongues, it's not on an earthly level; it's on a spiritual one.
Almost as if our minds are set aside and allowed to grasp something new; unexplainable but real!

Our hearts become more alive and sensitive to God's presence and the voice of the Holy Spirit. It allows the Holy Spirit to pray through and for us in a language that surpasses human understanding.

Romans 8:26 says,

"Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."

Praying according to God's will releases the prayers and power to align us more with His plan for our lives. Things can change in our lives, suddenly sometimes, and we need to be open to the leading of the Spirit and allow Him to pray through us.

A significant benefit of praying in tongues is that it declares the glory of God and is a way to enter into praise and thanksgiving.
In Acts 10:46, we see that when the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit,

"they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God."

Praying in tongues magnifies and praises God; as we do so, it creates an atmosphere for God to inhabit the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).

When we pray in tongues, we focus entirely on God. We are exalting Him in a way we could never do with our natural language.

When it may appear to be people and circumstances threatening to cause harm to our lives, there is something more hidden at play.
Spiritual forces of wickedness attempt to get us off course and control us by getting us to believe their lies.
Thankfully God has provided 'tongues' as an avenue of strength against these forces! Armed with faith through "praying in the Spirit," We have access to His power that cuts through all the enemy throws at us.

Ephesians six is a well-known chapter when it comes to spiritual warfare.
It lists the armour of God, what they are, and commands us to stand against the schemes of the evil one with our spiritual armour on.
Ephesians six is not just about armour. It's about offensive weapons.

We are commanded to pray in the Spirit at all times.
Therefore, we use our prayer language, alongside our prayers of understanding
Praying in the Spirit is an offensive weapon against the powers of darkness.

Things are changing in the spirit realm whether you see, feel, perceive, or NOT!

As believers, everyone should try speaking in tongues at least once; ask God for this.
It's truly from Jesus and aids us in further conforming to His image.
In Ephesians 1:17-18, Paul writes,

"...remembering you in my prayers...that...the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,"

In conclusion, praying in the Spirit is a mystery only the Holy Spirit can reveal, so start by praying in the Spirit. This kind of prayer differs from our usual prayers, where we rely on our understanding and articulate our needs and desires.

Speaking in tongues is a direct communication between God and us. It allows us to pray beyond our limitations and express ourselves in a language only God can understand.

Praying in tongues is not just gibberish, or a show of spirituality, but a powerful tool God designed for us to use in our relationship with Him.

We usually do not know God's perfect will. Though, sometimes, he does speak parts of it to us. Our natural understanding is limited in how far it can go in prayer, unless directed by the Holy Spirit to pray for specific things.

Through this gift of praying in tongues, when we don't know what to pray for, we have access to God's perfect will, which is hidden from us.

I wonder why he hid his will from us this way.
There has to be a reason. Maybe that's a prayer thought for this week.

Something to think about.

There is something to God not wanting us to know what we are speaking unless given the interpretations by the Holy Spirit. God's wisdom is on display in this.

As we can see, there are many benefits to praying in tongues. By building up our spirit, man, we are better equipped to handle the things of God and can declare the Word of God with boldness. Our faith is strengthened as we commune with God on a deeper level, and He reveals His heart to us.

Praying in tongues also helps us to intercede for others more effectively, glorifies God, and is an offensive weapon in spiritual warfare.

Are you taking advantage of this powerful tool?

Bible references avaiable, on request

Hi, my name is Andrew.
I'm an Intercessory Missionary on staff at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO.
I've had encounters that filled me with joy and awe, but I've also been through seasons of deep pain and struggle. I created this blog to answer some questions people had about the prophetic and Bible related topics.

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