
  26th August 2023

Terrace Crawford suggests



Praying for Our Youth

Praying for our youth is more important than ever.

The Lord continues to do amazing things in teenagers' lives, and I'm confident it's the result of prayer.
I'm also confident the youth of today will have an amazing impact on our world.
They will pursue God with a greater zeal and passion than previous generations. That's why I invest more time than ever in prayer for youth.

Because God has a plan and purpose for every young person, I pray this over teenagers often.
I ask God to, no matter each person's circumstances, give them passion and a deep-seated purpose for living.

More than any other topic, I spend time talking about the friendships young people develop.
That's because I know the truth that you are (and become) who you hang out with.
When praying for our youth, it's vital to ask God to give kids wisdom in choosing their friends.
Ask him to bring people into their lives who will point them to Christ. I also pray that God will use students to encourage and build up each other like never before.

Kids today are bombarded with every temptation known to man, and the enemy is seeking to destroy their character.
I pray that today's youth may experience an ongoing transformation by having their minds renewed.
And I pray that they'll be examples to the world in their speech, lives, love, faith and purity.
I also ask for more great Christ-like role models for our students, particularly among their peers

When praying for our youth, let's ask God to give them more of a hunger for righteousness than a sexual appetite.
Let's also ask him to help kids see through the enemy's lies.
Ask God to strengthen them, give them the drive to flee sexual immorality, and help them reserve the gift of sex for marriage.

May God grant today's youth an anointing of power by the Holy Spirit to be the greatest witnesses for Jesus we've ever known.
I also pray their zeal for obedience will supersede any other human desire they have.

Bible references avaiable, on request

Terrace Crawford
Terrace Crawford is an entrepreneur, youth worker-at large, with an affinity for Social Media, and founder of Crawford, named as one of the Top 100 Christian Leaders to Follow on Twitter, serves church leaders (particularly youth workers) through his blog, and weekly podcast, This Week in Youth Ministry (available on iTunes).

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