
  17th December 2023

Gwenith Sayer



Explores Jesus' Role in the Biblical Narratives

The Bible, a rich tapestry of narratives, teachings, and parables, presents readers with profound themes that encapsulate God's love, guidance, and protection.

Among these themes, the shepherd's depiction stands out as a recurring motif in both the Old and New Testaments.
This article aims to delve into this theme, focusing on Jesus' portrayal as the Good Shepherd in the Gospel of John and how this image intertwines with the narrative of His birth, often depicted in the nativity scene.

We will explore how Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, knows His sheep, lays down His life for them, and seeks to gather all into His fold.

As stated in John 10:3, "He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."
This personal relationship goes beyond mere awareness; it signifies a profound bond of love and care.

Jesus not only knows His sheep but also leads them.
He guides His followers along the right path, offering wisdom and direction in their spiritual journey.

This guiding role of Jesus is crucial, especially in times of uncertainty and confusion.
His words provide clarity, His actions set an example to emulate, and His life serves as the ultimate beacon of light guiding His followers toward righteousness.

Unlike the hireling who abandons the sheep at the first sign of danger, Jesus stands firm.
When confronted with the metaphorical wolf - representing threats, challenges, or adversities - Jesus doesn't flee but faces it head-on, ready to lay down His life for His sheep (John 10:12).

This unwavering commitment assures His followers of His constant protection, reinforcing their faith and trust in Him.
It's a testament to His readiness to sacrifice His own well-being for the safety and welfare of His followers.

This act of ultimate sacrifice is the embodiment of His unconditional love and selflessness.
It's a stark contrast to the hireling who prioritizes self-preservation over the welfare of the sheep.

The portrayal of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is a profound representation of His intimate knowledge of His followers, His role as their guide and protector, and His ultimate sacrifice for their salvation.

The nativity scene, an iconic representation of Jesus' birth, includes various characters that contribute to the richness of the narrative.
Among these figures are the shepherds, who, despite their humble social status, play a significant role in the story.

In the narrative of Jesus' birth, shepherds were among the first to receive the heavenly announcement of the Saviour's arrival.
According to Luke 2:8-14, an angel of the Lord appeared to them, proclaiming the glad tidings of Jesus' birth.
This divine revelation to the shepherds is significant for several reasons.

Firstly, shepherds were considered lowly in the social hierarchy of the time.
Their inclusion in the narrative underscores the message that the Messiah's arrival was a joyous event meant for all people, not just the elite or religiously devout.

Secondly, the fact that the shepherds were working - keeping watch over their flocks by night - when the angel appeared signifies that the good news of Jesus' birth reaches people in the midst of their everyday lives.

The shepherds' response to the angel's message also carries symbolic significance.
Upon hearing the news, they immediately set out to find the baby Jesus.
Their swift action highlights their faith and obedience, setting an example for all believers.

Their faith is evident in their immediate acceptance of the angel's message, without question or doubt.
Their obedience is shown in their prompt response - they did not delay but hurried to Bethlehem to see the newborn King.

One of the most poignant elements of this scene is the presence of the shepherds - figures who, at first glance, may seem unremarkable but hold profound symbolic significance.
Their role in the nativity story brings to light themes of humility, devotion, and God's all-encompassing love, offering valuable insights into the nature of God's kingdom.

Shepherding was a humble occupation, often undertaken by those on society's lower rungs.
Despite their lowly societal status, it was these shepherds whom God chose as the first witnesses to the birth of His son.

This selection wasn't random or without purpose; it was a deliberate choice that revealed the upside-down nature of God's kingdom - a kingdom where the last are first, and the humble are exalted.
It serves as a powerful reminder that God's grace and salvation extend to all, irrespective of social status or prestige.

Un-edited version avaiable, on request

Shepherd of Souls
Gwenith Sayer, the dedicated owner and writer of Shepherd of Souls, is an expert on Nativity Scenes.
Her comprehensive guide reflects her deep passion for the nativity story and its rich history.
Gwenith's extensive knowledge of the significance and evolution of nativity scenes is remarkable.
She takes readers on a journey through the ages, exploring their origins and transitions over centuries.
Her commitment to preserving this cherished Christmas tradition is evident in her detailed guides on maintaining and crafting personal nativity scenes.


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