28th December 2023 Chris Jordan comments on
"Get Rich Quick"
Proverbs 21:5.
"Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." (NLT).
What's Wrong With That?
It's amazing to me how many people chase after the latest get-rich quick schemes.
"Make money fast from home and become a millionaire this year! Small investment, big return!"
And don't even get me started on lottery tickets: They are aptly named an "idiot tax."
In the small town that I live in, we have a corner convenience store just down the street from my house, and it's amazing to me that almost every time I walk in there, someone is buying a lottery ticket or scratch-and-win ticket, hoping to be the next big winner.
What's going on here?
It seems we have created an entire culture that is devoted to trying to get something for nothing, to get rich without having to do any work for it.
But some might be asking - is there really anything wrong with that?
Well, that depends on whether or not you believe the Bible.
In today's Scripture, Solomon tells us that we can choose plenteousness or want, prosperity or poverty.
To reach each destination, there are two very different roads that lead there.
If you want to be prosperous, the road is called good planning and hard work.
No shortcuts here!
You need to be diligent. Get a job and work hard.
And as Matthew Henry says,
"The thoughts of the diligent are as necessary as the hand of the diligent. Forecast is as good as work."
It's good to plan ahead if you want to prosper and do well financially!
Plan a budget.
Honour the Lord with your tithe. Be generous and give to the poor.
All of these will help you succeed.
If you want to be poor, it's a whole lot easier to get there.
Don't be diligent. Don't get a job. Don't work hard. Don't plan ahead.
Spend foolishly. Waste your money on things, lottery tickets and other things you don't really need.
You'll be poor before you know it!
Lord, help us as your people to make good plans and work hard, so you can bless us financially.
Not just so we can be blessed, blessed, blessed, but we know you bless us so that we can be a blessing to others.
To help the poor. To build the Kingdom of God.
To make a difference in the lives of others.
Help us to make wise choices with our finances, and be good stewards of all of our resources.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Proverbial Thought
Chris Jordan
Early in 2012 God gave me a vision for a running commentary on the book of Proverbs.
After talking with some godly men around the world, men who encouraged me in the faith, it seemed the right time to start.
And what better day than April Fool's Day?
The idea behind this blog was to bring mature Christians together from around the world, thereby benefiting from a broad collective of understanding.
As a group, we all believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, but as individuals, we can contribute unique perspectives and thoughts about each proverb.
My prayer is that through different eyes we can see Truth in new and fresh ways.