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  12th March 2024


'Jeremy G. Woods shares'


'Embrace the Day of Small Beginnings'

In the heart of Potter's House Ministries Romania, we are nurturing a vision - a vision named "Radiant Horizons".

This vision is like a seed, sown with the aim of flourishing into a ministry that impacts not only children, but families and communities as a whole.
We aspire to be a beacon of God's love, bringing transformation, healing, and positive change in its wake.

In these times, the scripture that echoes in our hearts is:

"Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?"

Zechariah 4:10

This verse from Zechariah, nestled in an Old Testament prophetic book, resonates with our current situation.
It encourages us to embrace our day of small beginnings, reminding us that these small beginnings are seen, cherished, and blessed by God Himself.

To truly grasp the fullness of Zechariah 4:10's message, it's crucial that we explore the historical context in which it was delivered.
The setting transports us to a tumultuous time in the history of the Jewish people, when they returned from Babylonian exile to their homeland, facing the daunting task of rebuilding their once-glorious temple that now lay in ruins.

In the book of Zechariah, chapter 4, we encounter a series of visions presented to the prophet.
These visions were not just meant to encourage the Israelites, but also to assure them that the monumental task of temple reconstruction was under God's sovereign control.

Our key verse discourages despising small beginnings and anticipates the joy of the completion of the task.
Firstly, "Who dares despise the day of small things?"
This question challenges us to cast away any disdain or discouragement associated with small beginnings.
Often, when the vision is grand and the resources seem limited, the initial steps may appear too small or insignificant.

However, God's question encourages us not to despise or undervalue these humble beginnings, for they hold the seeds of larger victories to come.

The phrase "The seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth ..." affirms God's omniscience and omnipresence.
It's a reminder that God sees everything, from every small effort we make to every challenge we face.
His divine gaze is on our ministry, and His hand guides our work.

God not only sees our beginnings, but He also rejoices in our victories.
The capstone signifies the completion of the temple, the fruition of their hard work and faith.
Similarly, every step we take towards our vision of "Radiant Horizons", God sees and rejoices, for He knows the transformative impact it will make in the lives of the children, their families, and the community.

The insights we've derived from Zechariah 4:10 now equip us to move forward, lending clarity to our path and empowering us to embrace our own day of small beginnings with renewed vigour.
But what does embracing this phase mean for us as we set the first stones of our ambitious vision of "Radiant Horizons"?

Firstly, it involves acknowledging and celebrating the significance of small steps.
Our after-school program, although just one component of the grander vision of "Radiant Horizons", forms the cornerstone of our mission.
It is the critical spark that will ignite a chain reaction of positive transformation and sustained impact.
Every child we engage, every life we positively influence, every seed of hope we plant today - no matter how seemingly minor - carries immense significance.
They are the building blocks of a brighter, more promising horizon.

Secondly, it means keeping God's vision for our ministry at the forefront of our minds to inspire and drive us forward.

Thirdly, it suggests deriving joy and fulfillment from each step of our journey.
Our key verse beautifully illustrates that God rejoices as He envisions the capstone - the fulfilled vision - in our hands.

In the same spirit, we too should cultivate an attitude of joy, not merely reserving our happiness for the day our vision reaches its full fruition, but delighting in every small victory and milestone we achieve along the way.

Every step forward, every life touched, every little success is a testament to our progress and a cause for celebration.

Lastly, it requires maintaining faith in the eventual fulfillment of our vision.
Just as Zerubbabel and the Israelites were encouraged not to despise their day of small things, we too must remind ourselves that this phase is only temporary, a necessary process that paves the way to grand achievements.


This is an edited version.
The full article is avaiable on request

Jeremy G. Woods
Potter's House Ministries
I help Evangelical Churches grow.
Church growth starts with your heart, and with sincere prayer.
Without these, your Church can still grow, but it won't have the needed foundation.
In life, we all face worries and anxieties, but as believers, we have a powerful source of comfort - God's Word.


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