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  24th March 2024



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We can imagine that it was possible for the Son of God to become man
(Philippians 2)


We can imagine that it was possible for the Son of God to become man and pay for the sins of the world without this great humiliation.

He might have added the humanity of a 33-year old man to his deity.
He might have appeared before man only in His transfigured glory, and taught men what they needed to hear from Him.
He might have suffered for the sins of man in a hidden place of the earth far from the eyes of man, or on the dark side of the moon for that matter.

Yet He did not;
He humbled Himself, and did it for the surpassing greatness of our salvation and His work for us.

'To the point of death, even the death of the cross':
This states the extent of Jesus' humility and obedience.

Crucifixion was such a shameful death that it was not permitted for Roman citizens
(such as the people of Philippi).
A victim of crucifixion was considered by the Jews to be particularly cursed by God
Robertson called the death of the cross "The bottom rung in the ladder from the Throne of God.
Jesus came all the way down to the most despised death of all, a condemned criminal on the accursed cross."

Even the death of the cross shows that there is no limit to what God will do to demonstrate His love and saving power to man;
this was and forever will be the ultimate.

"What must sin have been in the sight of God, when it required such abasement in Jesus to make an atonement for it, and undo its influence and malignity!" (Clarke)

"The lower he stoops to save us, the higher we ought to lift him in our adoring reverence.
Blessed be his name, he stoops, and stoops, and stoops, and, when he reaches our level, and becomes man, he still stoops, and stoops, and stoops lower and deeper yet." (Spurgeon)

All of this was a great display of the power of Jesus.
Remember that because of Paul's past experience among the Philippians, they were tempted to think of God's power as being expressed only in exaltation and deliverance and not in terms of glorifying God through humble service and endurance.

In this, Paul reminded the Philippians that his current place of humble circumstances (his Roman imprisonment) could still show forth the glory and power of God, even as Jesus did in His humility.

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.
These words describe how God has exalted Jesus.
Indeed, highly exalted could also be translated "super exalted."

"Now, just pause over this thought - that Christ did not crown himself, but that his Father crowned him; that he did not elevate himself to the throne of majesty, but that his Father lifted him there, and placed him on his throne." (Spurgeon)

This goes beyond giving Jesus the Divine name 'Yahweh'.
When we consider the Hebrew concept of the name, it also implies that God declares that Jesus has a character and person above all.

This verse, with its clear statement of Jesus' deity, is powerful ammunition against those who deny the deity of Jesus Christ.
There is no higher name than Yahweh, and Jesus has that name.


This is an edited version.
The full article is avaiable on request

'Enduring Word'
exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people.


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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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