News for the Pews |

30th April 2024
Blair Parke asks
How Can We "Let Our Light Shine"?
It has been said that when people are filled with the Holy Spirit, have a thriving relationship with God, and seek each day to follow the example of Jesus Christ, there is a significant glow about them.
There is a difference in their steps, personalities, service to others, and handling of problems.
How does this "glow" or difference change us and what are we supposed to do about it?
The Bible has several scriptures to describe how people are changed from the inside out when they become Christians, but this one verse, stated from the lips of Jesus Himself, seems to epitomize exactly what we are to do with this inner change.
In Matthew 5:16, the verse states the following:
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Although this verse may seem cryptic, it is actually pretty self-explanatory.
So let's unpack this verse more and see what Jesus is telling us to do, and what changes around us will happen when we let our lights shine.
The light is your understanding that God is your Father, Jesus is your Saviour, and your path is being led forward by the loving involvement of the Holy Spirit.
It is the awareness that what you were before knowing Jesus personally, and accepting His sacrifice, is nothing like what you are now.
Jesus shares this amazing insight with His disciples, which also includes the eight beatitudes.
This conversation with the disciples came after Jesus healed a multitude throughout Galilee and was taking a peaceful rest from the crowds on a mountain.
Jesus tells the disciples that all believers are "the salt and light of the world" and that they are like a "city on a hill that cannot be hidden".
He continues the verse by saying that believers were meant to be like lights for lamps that weren't meant to be hidden under a basket, but placed on lampstands to light the way for all.
Those listening
"were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes."
Jesus knew what was in store for not only His disciples, but also for those that would later accept Him because of His sacrifice on the cross.
He knew troubling times were ahead and that we needed to be lights in those times in order for others to survive and thrive.
In a world that is filled with darkness, believers are to be the lights shining through the darkness to lead people not only to safety but to the arms of Jesus.
We as believers will also struggle against a world that will try to take away our light or claim it is false and not of God.
Our lights are our purposes that God has established in our lives, part of His plan to bring believers to His kingdom and eternity in heaven.
When we accept these purposes - these callings in our lives - our wicks are lit inside and shine through us for others to see.
Now more than ever, we are called to be lights to a world struggling against physical and spiritual forces like never before.
Some ways we can be lights to the world today include encouraging others during their trials and hardships through phone calls, text messages, or face-to-face interaction.
Other ways could be using your skills and talents for the community or in ministry, such as singing in the choir, working with children, helping the elderly, and maybe even taking the pulpit to preach a sermon.
Being a light means allowing others to come into contact with that light through service and connection, offering the opportunity to share with them how you have the joy of Jesus to help you through the trials and heartache.
As you shine your light for others to see, you will also see that it becomes less and less about getting recognition for what you have done and more about how you can direct that praise back to God.
For if it wasn't for Him, you wouldn't be in a place where you could shine your light and serve others in love to Him.
Because of who He is, you have become the Jesus follower that you are.
Bible references available on request
Blair Parke
is a freelance writer for and freelance book editor who wrote her first book, "Empty Hands Made Full," in 2021 about her journey through infertility with her husband.
A graduate of Stetson University with a bachelor's in communications, Blair previously worked as a writer/editor for several local magazines in the Central Florida area.
She's usually found with a book in her hand or enjoying quality time with her husband Jeremy and dog Molly.
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