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  1st May 2024



Jeffery Curtis Poor shares

The powerful meaning of Lamentations 3:22-23

(God's mercies are new every morning)


Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. His mercies are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

These words were penned by Jeremiah in the short book of Lamentations in a dire situation.
Jerusalem had fallen to Babylon, and it was a time of deep grief and national mourning.

This passage is the perfect reminder for us today. Many find themselves in dire situations that seem hopeless.
But this promise still rings true, God's mercies are new every morning.
In the middle of tragedy and suffering we might be tempted to think God doesn't love us.
But this passage starts off with this reminder, God loves us.

This builds off the first part of this passage.
God's compassion, his mercy, is a by-product of his love.
Because his love is steadfast and knows no end, neither will his compassion.

Every time we wake up, God's mercies are new.
Regardless of how often you rely on God's compassion, there will be more for you tomorrow.

Now, this isn't a get out of hell free card that we can abuse.
It's not a license to sin however we want.
That's missing the point of the meaning of Lamentation 3:22-23.
Rather, this is an opportunity to return to God even after we screw up.

The last part ties the whole passage together.
We receive mercy and compassion not because we are faithful, but because God is faithful.
Let's look at how we can practically apply it to our everyday life.

Faith is our response to the great and steadfast love he has shown us.
He's done the heavy lifting and in response we place our faith in him.

Now, faith isn't just about what we believe in our heads.
But also how we choose to live our lives.
Our faith should have a direct impact on what we do and how we do it.
Faith requires action.

God's mercies are true in the good seasons and the bad seasons.
And what we need is to be reminded of this, especially on difficult days.
Prayer isn't about getting something from God, but rather connecting with him.
When we pray we can be strengthened, encouraged, and reminded that God's mercies are new for us each and every morning.

We are surrounded by noise, notifications, and things that are clamouring for our attention.
With all the distractions it can be hard to hear the voice of God and receive his mercy.
That's why we need to be still.

That's what David is getting at in Psalm 46:10.

It's so easy to forget what God has done for us and become fixated on all the problems in front of us.
Through remembering how God has cared for us in the past we can be encouraged to continue to trust in him in the present.

You cannot receive God's mercies if you aren't looking for God's mercies.

This goes back to being still.
When we are constantly moving and distracted by all the things in this world we will never notice God's mercies.
Keep your eyes on God and not the storms and distractions around you.

Whatever you've done, wherever you've been, God's mercies are new for you every morning.
His steadfast love will never fail you.
He's made a way for you to get back to him and live in the love, joy, and peace that he has for you.

The meaning of Lamentations 3:22-23 is a powerful reminder of what God has done for us.
And it's a verse that each of us should reflect on and commit to memory.


My name is Jeffery Curtis Poor.
My main job has been serving as a pastor for 12+ years.
Through that work, I have developed a passion for helping people understand the Bible and apply it to their lives.
That's what led to me starting Rethink back in 2015; to help people align their lives with God's word.

I strive to break down Biblical topics in a way everyone can learn from.
I hope that God uses this site to help you grow in your faith.
I've long been fascinated by who Jesus was as a person and how he interacted with those around him.
I'm still overcome by God's unremitting and dogged pursuit of his creation.


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