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This week we heard the tragic news of another young life lost to the senseless act of knife crime - or in this case a sword.

Please can we all pray for the protection of all children walking our streets.

We do believe in NPN, from past testimonies that when we pray, we prevent crime happening on our streets!
Please pray for the families of all those who have lost loved ones to knife crime across the UK.


The vision
of Neighbourhood Prayer Network is to see every one of the 260,000 streets in the UK covered in Christian Prayer.

Objective: To take Spiritual Responsibility for the street that we live on.

Mission: We want to Pray for Care for and where possible share Faith with our Neighbours.

Copyright (C) 2024 Neighbourhood Prayer Network. All rights reserved.


  Contact the Rector
  The Revd.
  The Rectory,
  Church Lane,
  NN7 3PB

  Land Line: 01604 - 815496
  (Can be accessed from the mobile device)
  Mobile: .....
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com

  Contact the Benefice Office
  Sunday School Rooms, Church Lane,
  BUGBROOKE, Northampton, NN7 3PB
  Land Line: 01604 830373
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

  For Baptism bookings  (Christenings)
  to arrange an appointment please contact
  the Benefice Office.

  For Wedding bookings:
  please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
  an appointment.

  Who Made This?
  Seeing as you asked, if you can give helpful
  advice or report factual corrections and
  'deliberate mistakes',email:-
  regparker3 at gmail dot com

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