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  14th May 2024



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Understanding Matthew 5:14-16: Be The Light


Discover the hidden power within you!
Unlock your potential to be the guiding light in a dark world.

It is not enough to simply believe in Jesus; our faith needs to be evident in our actions and interactions with others.
When we allow God's light to shine through us, we can make a difference in the lives of those around us and draw them closer to Him.

Just as a city on a hill cannot be concealed, our lives should testify to Christ's transformative power.
We are responsible to shed illumination wherever there is darkness, offering hope and comfort to those in need.
Christians are called to be agents of change and hope in a dark and broken world.
The purpose of letting our lights shine is to glorify God, and to point others to the goodness and grace of God.

The ability to shine brightly comes from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers to live out their faith and radiate the light of Christ.
Maintaining a close relationship with God through prayer, studying His Word, and cultivating a vibrant spiritual life allows the Holy Spirit to work in and through believers.

Jesus teaches about the importance of "good works" in the life of a believer.
But what exactly does He mean by this term?
Throughout the Bible, we see that good works encompass a way of life.
It involves living out the commandments of God, loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind, and loving our neighbours as ourselves.

Good works are not solely deeds performed for recognition or approval, but rather genuine acts of service that flow from a transformed heart.

The significance of living in alignment with God's commands and teachings is twofold.
Firstly, it reflects our love and devotion to God, demonstrating He is our Lord and Master.
When we actively seek to obey His commands, we trust His wisdom and guidance over our own.

Secondly, it serves as a powerful witness to the world around us.
Our godly lives testify to God's transformative power, shining His light in the darkness and drawing others to Him.

During Jesus' time, those who listened to His teaching were often astonished by His wisdom and authority.
They recognized that He was unlike any other teacher they had encountered before.
His teachings challenged societal norms and religious practices, calling for a righteousness that exceeded that of the scribes and Pharisees.

Being the light of the world would have been a radical concept for them to grasp, as they were accustomed to thinking of themselves as the recipients of God's light rather than the bearers of it.

However, these early believers faced significant opposition and struggles fulfilling this calling.
They were often persecuted and marginalized for their faith.
They faced pressure to conform to the prevailing culture and compromise their convictions.

Yet, Jesus reminded them of their purpose as believers - to let their light shine before others, regardless of their obstacles.

Jesus knew that His disciples would face troubling times ahead.
He wanted to prepare them for the challenges they would encounter in a world that often rejects the message of the Gospel.
Jesus understood the immense impact His disciples could have on the lives of others.

He wanted them to shine brightly, illuminating the way for those lost or searching for answers.
By letting their lights shine, His disciples would guide others toward the truth and ultimately lead them to a relationship with Jesus.

Jesus proclaiming himself as the Light of the World is more than just words - it is a powerful statement with deep biblical symbolism.
By calling himself the Light, Jesus shows that he is the source of illumination, truth, and guidance in an often dark and confusing world.

This declaration inspires believers to seek Jesus as their guiding light, allowing him to illuminate their path and transform their lives.

Can Christians hide their light and still fulfill their role as the light of the world?

Even a small flicker of light can bring joy and illuminate the darkest corners.
Let your light shine brightly so that it can be seen and appreciated by those around you.

Remember, it takes courage and faith to be the light in a world of darkness.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Christ As The Example To Strive For
We believe that the example of Christ is what we should all strive for.
Both in his love and generosity, as well as in his courage to face injustice, speak the truth and even fight when necessary.
Authority Of Church Institutions
We believe in the authority of traditional church institutions, as established by Jesus himself (Matthew 16:19)
to lead the way and interpret scripture and God's Will for the people.
Most people are simply too distracted to hear from God.


  Contact the Rector
  The Revd.
  The Rectory,
  Church Lane,
  NN7 3PB

  Land Line: 01604 - 815496
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  Mobile: .....
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com

  Contact the Benefice Office
  Sunday School Rooms, Church Lane,
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  Land Line: 01604 830373
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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  to arrange an appointment please contact
  the Benefice Office.

  For Wedding bookings:
  please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
  an appointment.

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