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  17th May 2024



James Laurence asks

What Are You Thinking?


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8

The apostle Paul wants to guide us in our thinking.
Why? Because he knows that our thoughts matter.
A lot.

What we are thinking about affects our relationships, it determines our choices, and it guides us through life.

And Paul knew that, so he encourages us to decide carefully what to think about.
When we think about the right things, we do the right things.
Simple as that.

But who decides what we think about?

First, Paul teaches us that we should think about "whatever is true."
Jesus, who told us that he is the way, the truth, and the life, also made this promise:

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth".

And next, Paul writes, think about "whatever is honourable."
Have you noticed how the people who most exemplify this rarely make the news?

You may know some people in your life who you consider honourable.
Talk to them, learn from them, think about them.
Look for those who are worthy of respect, emulate them, and consider how you might become that person for someone else.

And then, Paul writes, think about what is just, what is right.
Of course, this is where we get our words, justice and righteousness.
And these, too, are things that we don't hear a lot about on a daily basis.
We have to choose to pursue them.

"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness," Jesus teaches us

But how do we seek these if we are not thinking about them?
And how do we think about them if we don't know them?
Psalm 1 teaches us to take delight in the "law of the Lord," and on that law, meditate day and night.

Spend time thinking about how to make justice "roll down like water and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream," as the prophet Amos puts it.

And then, Paul writes, think about whatever is pure.
"Blessed are the pure in heart," Jesus famously said.

How can we keep our way pure?
By guarding it according to God's word.
To keep our way pure, we must guard it, we must protect it.

Paul reminds us that when we remain faithful in our ways, and turn to God in prayer, we receive the peace of God, which guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
Paul, remember, is writing these words from a prison cell.
And when he uses the word, "guard," he is referring to the soldiers who are on guard duty.

And then, Paul writes, think about whatever is pleasing, whatever is lovely.
Not just lovely and pleasing to us, but lovely and pleasing to God.

We all know, in a general way, what is pleasing to the Lord, but try to be specific.
Only you can answer that, because no one else can live your life.
Live it as though every moment matters, and every moment is a chance to please the Lord.

And then, finally, Paul writes, think about whatever is commendable, whatever is admirable.
And what is more worthy of praise than God?
Or, as Paul puts it in this letter: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.

Let your gentleness be known to everyone.
The Lord is near." From his prison cell, Paul rejoices. He praises the Lord, who is always near - to him, and to us.

And, Paul thinks about these things. He chooses to think about these things.
And by thinking about these things, Paul receives the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Think about this, about these things that are true, and as you do so, may the peace that surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

My name is James Laurence.
I live outside Albemarle, North Carolina, where I serve as the Pastor of First Lutheran Church of Albemarle.

I grew up in Massachusetts (Northborough), went to college in Maine (Bowdoin).
And I've lived a few other places along the way, too!
But I love where I am now, in a fantastic small town on the edge of the Uwharrie National Forest.
I started this blog to share my sermons, devotions, and other pastoral ponderings with my congregation, and it has grown to be a place for me to share book reviews, favourite quotes, poems that inspire me, and a little of my own poetry, too.
I have also enjoyed discovering and reading blogs of many others along the way.
So, if you blog, I'd love for you to share your blog with me!


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