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  24th May 2024



Debbie McDaniel

'iBelieve' Contributing Writer

Biblical Names of God

(and What They Mean for Us Today)


The Bible uses different names of God to convey specific, personal meaning and identity.

There's great power in a name.
It says who we are, it's what we are known by to all those around us.
And there's nothing so powerful as the name of our Lord God.

The Bible says the name of the Lord is like a strong tower; the righteous can run to it and be saved.
In a world that often feels chaotic and fear-filled, His name is the one to hold close.

He is fully trustworthy, always powerful, forever loving, and constantly present with us.

Studying what God's Word says about all that He is can help us to understand his very nature and character even more.

If you need some extra reassurance today, find hope in His powerful name.
He is the God of miracles and nothing is impossible for Him.
He split the seas, and delivered His people straight through, away from all their enemies.
He offered His protection through desert days and lovingly led them in the wilderness to the promised land.
He provided a way for us to be saved through His Son Jesus Christ, and He gave us His Spirit to help us today.

Don't believe the lie that God is distant, too busy, that He doesn't care about you, or that He is just waiting for you to mess up so he can tell you all you've done wrong.
That's not who his name says He is.

We hold the promise that His love is everlasting, His mercies are new every morning, and His faithfulness is great.
Jesus told us to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength ..."

A good way to walk that out daily is to know God's very character through the power of His name.

Elohim means "God" - This name refers to God's incredible power and might.
He is the One and only God. He is Supreme, the true God in a world that promotes

The name Elohim, a plural of Eloah, occurs more than 2,250 times in the Bible, sometimes with an addition such as "God of Abraham/Israel" but mostly it is free-standing.

Next to Lord (Yahweh), Elohim is the major designation for God.

From the Bible's first sentence the superlative nature of God's power is evident as God (Elohim) speaks a world into existence.

Yahweh means "The Lord" - Yahweh is derived from the Hebrew word for "I AM," it is the proper name of the divine person, coming from the verb which means to "exist," "be."

El Elyon is a name used through the Old Testament revealing God is above all gods, that nothing in life is more sacred.
He is greater than any force of darkness in this world,
He is bigger than any problem we might come up against in this life.

In daily life struggles and battles, we sometimes just need to be reminded that God is still in control.
He never will lose His power and might, though the world feels dark many days, He has conquered death and sin.

"I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high."

Psalm 7:17

The name El Elyon derives from the root "go up", "ascent", so that El Elyon may be thought of spatially as the highest.

Sometimes the compound is construed as a name: "It is good to make music to your name, O Most High" (Psalm 9:1).
El 'Elyon denotes exaltation and prerogative and belongs to "monarchical theology" for it speaks of absolute right to lordship.

In the same vein may be found the question, "Who is like you?"


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

The purpose of
is to help women wrestle with the deeper issues of their faith as it relates to the world around them.
Articles published on are reviewed and supported by our editorial team and experts across a range of Biblical studies.

Debbie McDaniel,
iBelieve Contributing Writer,
is a pastor's wife, and mum to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets).
Join her each morning on Fresh Day Ahead's Facebook page for daily encouragement in living strong, free, hope-filled lives. Find her also on Twitter and at her blog


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