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  25th May 2024



Grace Obomanu

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His Armour, Our Weapons & the Warfare


In my very short time of knowing and serving the Lord (over 2 decades now), and particularly in the past few years of serving 'The Lord', I have learnt that Satan takes added interest in anyone who loves and faithfully serves the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's a battle of kingdoms and happens ALL the time.
Everyone who is in Christ Jesus, WINS!
And everyone who is in Christ Jesus should be battle-ready at all times.

Did I hear you ask; 'how possible is it to be battle-ready at all times'?
And 'why be battle-ready if we are already Winners'?

Stay with me, on this, as we embark on an interesting, revealing and exciting journey into winning every spiritual warfare by being fully suited with the whole armour of God using our spiritual weapons.

The Philistines had a champion fighter named Goliath.
His armour was made of bronze and weighed about 125 pounds.
I am convinced that there is no need to bore you with the tiny details of Goliath's armour (which by the way, David thought was ridiculous), but notice that the Bible carefully listed the particular parts of body that Soldier Goliath covered.

A part of Apostle Paul's closing lines in his letter to the Church at Ephesus, was for the church to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might by putting on the whole armour of God.

Oh! how often we, as Christians, so carelessly walk around unarmoured!
Paul admonishes us to be ready always to withstand the wiles of the devil.

The Wiles of the devil don't come at us shouting; 'I am a WILE of the devil, I am a WILE of the devil'.

Wiles are devious, cunning, manipulative, persuading tricks, schemes and strategies.
Wiles are intended to deceive, seduce and manipulate.
Guess who has totally mastered the art of using wiles ... Satan!!.

He throws wiles as darts all the time. Then he awaits your reactions.
The moment you say 'yes' to any of these darts, he aims at you fully.

But thank God Jesus saw through him, big brother Paul saw through him and I am hoping every Christian would see him just as he is - cunning, manipulative and seductive, constantly creating mirages to spread fear, hopelessness and despair.

The devil's wiles are subtle, often clad as harmless baits which can easily ease into our lives and circumstances.
Therefore to be sensitive, discerning and alert at all times, every follower of Jesus Christ must be fully armoured at all times.

Unravel the phrase, 'gird your loins'.
Literally, to 'gird your loins' would mean to secure the area around your 'belly' with a band/belt.
I found an interesting passage of scripture where this phrase was used;

"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

.....1 Peter 1:13

Now, a Soldier uses his belt to fasten the rest of his armour around his body (waist).
So, to 'gird your loins with the truth' means to encircle your mind (thoughts and words) with God's Word.

It means to be ready for any form of confrontation from Satan by pushing an 'it is written' at him'.
It means to accept the Word as the final authority over your life.
It means to make the Word the standard prism through which any other thought/word from within you or from any other source is weighed/screened.

Confrontation from Satan can come to us via our thoughts, from direct temptations, as sicknesses/diseases, as attacks on our loved ones or our marriages/relationships, etc, etc.

God's word is CONSTANT.
God is His Word.

As humans, by design, we hang on to something. God is His Word.
Every human being believes something.
God is His Word.
Anything that doesn't line up with the Word, is Not the Truth!

The truth says, 'by His stripes we were healed', it says, 'the blessing of Abraham has come upon all that believe in Christ Jesus'.

I believe the Truth of God's word and I declare that God's word is the final authority over my life. God is His Word. Anything not written (in the word) is not the truth and is not for me. God is His Word. Halleluyah!


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Grace Obomanu
is a Christian Blogger and Founder of ; 'Grace Obomanu Foundation'.
Grace is an inspiring writer who intentionally projects the truth of God's word by sharing simple yet profound truths from the Bible.
She writes with a revelational thrust, sharing wisdom, insights relatable to everyday living with particular emphasis on Victorious Christian Living.
Her foundation, a non-profit trustee, continues to make impact, adding value to people's lives through outreaches, mentorship, bible teachings and counselling, partnerships.
Grace has a diploma in Ministerial Training (with emphasis on Spiritual Leadership from Rhema Bible Training Centre Nigeria.
She trained as a medical doctor and has years of experience in Health Systems Management.
She also holds a master's degree in Public Health from the University of Liverpool.


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