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  31st May 2024



Alan Smith

Minister, and Elder of Cruciform Church of Christ

The Holy Spirit, our Comforter (John 14.26)


I sometimes hear Christians say something like this,
"If only we had been there when Jesus was around!"

If we lived near Jesus and saw him every day, it would have made things so much simpler.
We could ask him about all those difficult decisions we have to make
We could ask him all our Bible questions.
Jesus would have explained everything to us and told us exactly what to do.

But, as much as we would like to believe that, it's wrong for a couple of reasons.
First of all, when we read the gospels, we find that the people who were around Jesus didn't do much better than we do.

People were slow to believe what Jesus had to say.

But the second reason why it wouldn't be better is because Jesus himself said that we have an advantage that the people living in his day didn't have.

Jesus said to his disciples,

"I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you.

As hard as it may be for us to accept it, Jesus said that having the Holy Spirit in us is better than having the physical body of Jesus beside us.

Now, I realize that, on the surface, that doesn't seem to make any sense.
But Jesus said, "Here's what's even better. I've given you the Holy Spirit."

Now, my question for you, do you
really believe that what Jesus said is true?

Do you find it just as exciting to know that you as an individual, and this congregation as a whole, have the Holy Spirit of God?

And if we don't believe that, then I don't think we fully understand or appreciate what the Holy Spirit should mean to us.

I think it's safe to say that, of the three persons of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the one who is most neglected.
One preacher who was asked the question,
"If you had to grade your congregation on their knowledge of the Holy Spirit, what grade would you give them?"
His response was a C+.

And I think that his assessment of that congregation is a pretty accurate assessment of most congregations.

We can all relate to God the Father, because most of us have a relationship with our earthly fathers.
And we can relate to Jesus the Son, because he has become God's human face for us.
But the Holy Spirit is mostly a mystery to us.

You see, if someone comes to us and we don't really know them, one of the first questions we want to ask them is this, "Were you baptised for the remission of your sins?"

But that's not the question Paul asked, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"

I wonder what would happen if we started asking people "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
And I would imagine that a lot of people would answer the same way that those disciples in Ephesus did.
They told Paul, "We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit."

And my fear is that a lot of Christians would say the same thing today.

I don't know what it was like for you, but for me, growing up, the Holy Spirit wasn't talked about all that much.
I was at least taught that there is a Holy Spirit.
But that didn't make much of an impact in my life.

But you've also let me know that you're eager to know more about the Holy Spirit.
And not just to know more about him, but to have an actual relationship with Him.

Because the Holy Spirit is just as active and engaged in our lives and in our world as he ever was.


Un-edited version, (MUCH MORE) available on request (and Bible references)

Alan Smith
Minister, Elder of Cruciform Church of Christ.
Alan and Sueanne have lived in the Fayetteville/Spring Lake area since 2006.
Alan has preached for churches in Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee and now serves as the pulpit minister of the Cruciform Church of Christ.

The word "cruciform" means "formed in the shape of the cross".
We believe this word describes our identity as a church.
We are a group of Christians who have committed ourselves to shaping our lives according to the cross of Jesus Christ.
His example of sacrifice, submission, and service defines who we seek to be.


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