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  2nd June 2024



Pastor Jason Lim

   Gospel Light Christian Church

The Great Commission [Matthew 28:16-20]


The Great Commission is about making disciples.
Not making money, or buildings, or programs, or services.

Our great King, Jesus commands His church to go and make disciples.
We must, therefore, make sure we do not relegate this to a "Great Suggestion", or the "Great Omission"!

We come to the very last message (of Matthew) and I hope that this message will be a call to action.
That we will respond correctly to Jesus as our King, not just in knowing about the teachings in the book of Matthew, but in living out His will.
Please listen with a view to obeying Christ, our King, in his command, towards us.

We follow through in verse 16 of chapter 28.

"Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them." "And when they saw Him they worshipped Him, but some doubted."

Now, I can think this is very understandable.
This is the first time they are encountering anything like this, that their Saviour who died such a tragic, brutal death on a cross would be resurrected.
Naturally, some would have their doubts and so I think we should not read too much into it.
It's not that they are living in unbelief, but they struggle with some doubts.

Nevertheless, they came to what Jesus had told them to do.

"Jesus came and said to them ...", All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I'm with you always, to the end of the age."]

There are some awesome things that are being spoken here.
For example, we see the phrase, 'all authority', then we see 'all nations' or 'all people groups', or ethnos, in the Greek.
Then we see, 'all that I have commanded' and finally, 'always'.

He now, commands his people, as the all authority, holding King.
He has all authority given to Him.

I want you to realize that what we are learning here today is not something optional for you to decide, whether to obey or not.

This is not the great suggestion.
Jesus comes, on behalf of the Father, saying,
"All authority has been given to me. Now, go and fulfil the Great Commission."

May this be something not just for your listening but for your obeying.
May this not just be to tickle your ears, but that this would change your life.
And may the Spirit of God help us to be a church, a people who would live out the Great Commission.

So what is it that Jesus wants us to do?
What exactly will be his assignment?
It sounds like a lot.
But I want to tell you that God's Great Commission is actually very straightforward.

A disciple is a learner. A disciple is a follower.
It's like an apprentice.
And that's what Jesus is saying, "Your Great Commission, your mission, the command I leave to you is that you must help people follow Me well.

Help them to learn of My values.
Help them to learn of My ways. Help them to learn of My teachings.
Help them to follow My life, in My character, in My ministry, in My heart posture, in how I deny Myself, take up the cross in order to follow the Father's will.

That's the Great Commission! To make disciples. And so this is our priority.

I think that's very exciting!
That helps us realize what the ultimate goal is for us.
Now, in the early church, I tell you something, I don't think they gathered like we gather.
I don't think they gathered in one massive building but the Bible tells us that they gathered from house to house.

And they still were doing the work of the Great Commission, because thousands were added to the church, and people were added to the church daily.


Gospel Light Christian Church
Our Vision: An Acts Church for Today
They were a people centre-ed on our Savior
Filled with the Spirit
Rooted in the Scriptures
The Bible tells us that God made us for Himself, and our hearts are wired to know and to worship Him.
Gospel Light Christian Church exists to help you find a relationship with God.
We want to lead you into a life-changing relationship with Jesus!
Know, Grow, Go
God's will is for every person to Know Christ, Grow in Christ & Go for Christ.


  Contact the Rector
  The Revd.
  The Rectory,
  Church Lane,
  NN7 3PB

  Land Line: 01604 - 815496
  (Can be accessed from the mobile device)
  Mobile: .....
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com

  Contact the Benefice Office
  Sunday School Rooms, Church Lane,
  BUGBROOKE, Northampton, NN7 3PB
  Land Line: 01604 830373
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

  For Baptism bookings  (Christenings)
  to arrange an appointment please contact
  the Benefice Office.

  For Wedding bookings:
  please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
  an appointment.

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