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  3rd June 2024



Rev. Leo H. McCrary II

   New Found Faith Christian Ministries

David vs Goliath


David was one of my dad's favourite people in scripture.

When I was little, me and my brother used to "play church."
We would have our own church service in our bedroom; he would sing, I would preach.

The story of David and Goliath is one of the most known stories in scripture.

I cannot tell you today what your Goliath actually is, but I do know that all of us have to deal with them.
The genuine believer can either cower in fear or step to that giant and defeat him.

Imagine sitting still and not moving on something because you were so afraid.
The Israelites were supposed to have laid claim to the Promised Land and defeat their enemies.
Fear held them back from being able to fully lay claim to their blessing of the Promised Land.

Now, I want you to watch the faith that David had when he showed up on the scene.

David happened to arrive to the battlefield when Goliath began to taunt, mock, and stand in defiance of the Israelite army.
He watches as the men in the Israelite army cower in great fear.

Now notice that his brother, the other men, including King Saul, tried to influence what David believed in his heart.
Saul specifically says to him, "You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth."

Personally, I don't much care for when people tell me something I cannot do!
How do you know my limits?
How do you know what God has brought me through to then be able to tell me what He cannot do for me?

Never be afraid of testifying about all that God has allowed you to do and what He has brought you through!
Saul tried to clothe and arm David for battle.
He's now taking on the role of an ally and friend, but I want you to take note of something else here.

David tells Saul that he could not even walk around in the stuff Saul was giving him.
Sometimes, your allies can be trying to help you out but actually be of no help to you.

Sometimes we end up on the battlefield with our Goliath by ourselves, just like David.
On that battlefield, we find that all that worldly armour does absolutely nothing for us but leave us stuck in the mud!

So, how should we go out on this battlefield to defeat the challenger that stands in front of us?

David took all that worldly armour off and dropped the sword.
He picked up some stones from a nearby brook and went on the battlefield with them and his sling.

Now, I don't want you to think the stones and sling were the only weapons that David took out on that battlefield with Him.
I want you to remember the words that he said to Saul:
"The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine."

Some of us try to take on our great challenge without carrying God into the battle with us.
What can we do by ourselves?

If your faith is strong in the Lord, then we ought not ever let somebody else doubt and fear hold us back from what we believe God can do for us!

David said, the battle is the Lord's, and He will give us the victory.

When you come up against your Goliath, walk forward with this type of faith and you will have all the power you need to step over and defeat him.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Rev. Leo H. McCrary II
New Found Faith Christian Ministries
At New Found Faith we encourage growth in the way of God by diligently studying His word.
On our site you will find sermons, lessons, deep studies, and daily thoughts in the sound doctrine.
Welcome to New Found Faith Christian Ministries
Having been led by The Holy Spirit, New Found Faith Christian Ministries was found and organized in August of 2006 by the late Reverend Leo H. McCrary
We minister the sound doctrine of God through sermons, school lessons, studies, and daily thoughts throughout the week every week of the year.
To the lost soul, we welcome you to learn of the love of God, His forgiveness, and His salvation.
To those growing in the faith, we will continue to encourage and strengthen your faith in God.


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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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