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  5th June 2024



Matthew Maher

   Landmark Church

What Proverbs 3:5-6 means to me


People often ask me, "What is Proverbs 3:5-6" because they see it tattooed on my arm.
And without any thought, I usually just recite it off the top of my dome like the Pledge of Allegiance.

I think so many times we take familiar Bible verses just as words to be recited -- and not life and truth to be received.
We use them when convenient and rehearsed, missing the power behind the words.

I'm guilty of this myself and I can't even count how many times I have recited my "life verse" without contemplating the profoundly solid and practical truths in such a verse.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths"

.....Proverbs 3:5-6

Let's contemplate the words "trust in the Lord."
You see, when we trust in something, we are placing our security in that entity.
For example, I absolutely trust my earthly father, which means I have total and complete confidence in his integrity, ability, and good character because I know him and have a relationship with him.

I trust in him because I know he will do what's best for me.
However, is that the same level of trust I am placing in my Heavenly Father?

If I am being honest, I would admit that it is harder to trust God than it is man, even though man will always let us down.
Only God is perfectly trustworthy and faithful. Yet if I do not take time to get to know Him, I will never come to trust Him.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart"
means placing our heart at the Lord's feet.
This surrender leaves no room for our own anxiety or worry, but completely entrusts our "being" to God's sovereignty.

And as crazy as that may sound or even as scary as it may be, the next part of this verse is necessary for the "trusting" to lead to "His holding."

You see, to "lean not on your own understanding" is to lean completely into the strong arms of God's holding.
It means to not rely on ourselves, essentially letting go of what we think we know and letting God take the helm of what He perfectly knows.

"In all your ways acknowledge Him":
not some ways or some days, but always with all our ways.
This means to admit the existence, reality, and trustworthiness of God.

To acknowledge Him as Lord over our world and to give Him full access to sit on the throne of our hearts.
There and only there can He begin to govern our walk.

"And He will direct your paths."
He will begin to establish our steps and lead us where He needs us.

With all that being said and explained, I don't want to just be able to recite God's Word, I want to be incited by God's Word.

I don't want to just quote it verbally, I want my life to quote the Truth of God's Word visually.

It begins with trust and ends with Him.
Trusting Him.
Full stop


Truth over Trend
Matthew Maher
is an author, speaker, and pastor.
Matthew has been on the soccer field as a pro.
And he has been behind the prison wall as a con.
Through various vocations, he aims to inspire conscience and instigate conviction.

With sponsorship and support provided by the Be Still Foundation,
Matthew is a highly sought after speaker throughout the nation's wide range of High Schools, Colleges, and Municipal Alliances.
Even though Matthew is a strong man of faith, he can deliver an empowering message in the secular realm when requested.


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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
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