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  7th June 2024



Sanjna Mahtab says

You Are Breaking New Ground!


God is doing something new!
Be open to the way He tells you to do it.
It is simply a NEW thing!

Be very attentive to His every direction.

Take every thing one step at a time, one moment at a time, and one day at a time.
If you look too far ahead, you will surely feel overwhelmed.
Live in the moment!

The idea is so new, and the way God is guiding you is so new, that it can be easy to fall in doubt and confusion.
Be very alert and careful of doubt and confusion!
This is rooted in the spirit of fear!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

.....-2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Here it is in The Message translation:

"God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible."

.....-2 Timothy 1:7
.......(The Message)

You already KNOW it's God speaking to you.
You MUST be persistent and VERY intentional to take the steps God is giving you one by one!
Walk by Faith and not by sight! Trust the Lord!

Something truly amazing is about to be spiritually birthed through you!
A season like never before is upon you and upon the church!
We are in a season like no other!
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

There are steps and areas that the Holy Spirit is highlighting for you to focus on.
Just because you don't understand the step does not mean you should abandon "the vision" God gave you.

Do NOT ignore the step He gives you.
For when you obey that one step, it is only then the next step will be given to you.
There are no shortcuts!
Again, do NOT ignore the step He is giving you.
Here is a "KEY" for you: ASK, ASK, ASK

If it doesn't make sense to you take these steps:
ask the Lord to bring to clarity
to open up His understanding to you
to release His wisdom to you
to increase your spiritual discernment
to give you clear confirmations

After you ask, be sure to WAIT UPON THE LORD to answer you.
The Lord will not make you rush.
He teaches us in His word to "wait upon Him".
This teaches us patience and enable us to act in wisdom; which is crucial!

If you were working on a puzzle, and didn't want anything to do with that one piece that you can't figure out, will your picture be complete?
Your larger picture will be incomplete with a component that was crucial to complete the whole picture whether you thought it was important or not!
So, it is same with this situation.

Take action by faith on that step God is giving you today and you will see the fruit of it.
He will then give you the next step.
It's like walking on stepping stones.
One step at a time we reach our destination.

God does not work like us.
His thinking is outside of the box.
So again, be open about WHAT He is asking you to do and HOW He is asking you to do it.

Do NOT let your natural mind justify that step.
It won't make sense to your mind.
That's exactly why we walk by faith and not by sight!
It's a trust issue!
Trust the Lord!
His ways and thoughts are truly better than ours.

You are breaking NEW ground!
God is about to show up and show Himself to you and on your behalf in a big way!
He is about to blow your mind away with His faithfulness as you chose to obey Him!

All your provisions are already prepared and ready for you.
As you take your steps one at a time, He will provide all the needs for every single one of those steps!
It's already there, as you take your steps one at a time, His provisions and plans WILL unfold!

You can do this!!
You are child of the Most High God!
The God of angel armies is with you!

If God is for you, who or what can be against you!!!
He will guide you like a pillar of cloud in the day and like pillar of fire in the night!
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Amen and amen!


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Hello, my name is Sanjna.
I am a seer, hearer, prophetic intercessor, author, writer, blogger, and Christian Life Coach that loves Jesus and the Word of God.
I came from a Hindu background worshipping idols and then came to know Christ as my Lord and Savior in November 2004.
On April 10, 2005, my entire family and I were water baptized.
God had started shaking up my life in my high school years.
Truly, I love to encourage, motivate, guide, and teach adults and children of all ages.
God has also called me to Pakistan.
Currently, I co-lead a Christian House of Prayer ministry there, with Babar Nawab and Pastor Adil Amin.
Although I live in the United States, the Holy Spirit through me provides prophetic words, guidance, and intercessory prayer for the groundbreaking apostolic hub.


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