
  23rd May 2023

  Debbie suggests

'Speaking &
 Pronouncing Blessings'

Speaking and Pronouncing Blessings over others is a very Biblical
thing to do. In fact, there are many examples throughout Scripture
of blessings.

Hebrews 3:13 tell us:
But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today,"
so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

Our blessing not only releases God's intended blessing on others
but it also releases blessing to us.

Let's face it, we live in a world where the media focuses on "bad things."
When this happens, some people become fearful and lose hope.
However, God calls us to be a beacon of hope in a negative world.
When we speak, our words greatly affect us, and those around us.

God's word comes to us directly through the Bible, or
it can come in the form of a prophetic word or a blessing from others.

God the Father was our example, He bestowed a blessing upon Jesus in Matthew 3:17

"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

A Blessing is the act of declaring favour and goodness upon others.

Bless them which persecute you, Romans 12:14...
It is the lot of God's people in this world to be persecuted by the men of it,
in some shape or another.
Bless them; that is, to pray for them, that God would show them their evil,
give repentance to them, and the remission of their sins;
which is the order Jesus gave to his disciples and encouraged to an observance of, by his own example.

The blessing you offer will not only help the one receiving it,
it will also demonstrate:

Encouraging others
Provide a model of caring for others.

It often takes time and effort to search out appropriate blessings.
Ask the Lord to make you attentive to His Spirit as you read Scripture,
discerning which words, phrases, and concepts He wants you to share with someone.

As you learn what God wants to accomplish, begin to affirm God's will by
declaring Biblical goals in your spoken blessings.

When the Lord puts a desire in your heart to bless someone in particular,
be attentive to the needs he/she may be experiencing.
With that person in mind, you can ask the questions to help you discern
the kind of blessing that is needed.

Are you aware of any fears, hurts, or pressures that he is facing?
As you consider these questions, God can reveal to you,
areas of need in someone's life.

Then, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to specific verses or passages of
Scripture that can be used as a blessing related to those needs.

Imagine that you know a person who struggles with fear and anxiety.
You can use a concordance, when necessary, to look for verses that refer to
fear, anxiety, peace, and comfort.

As you search, you will discover verses such as

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind [discipline, self-control]."

Apply the basic truths recorded in those verses to the model blessing found
in Numbers 6:24-26 to create a blessing like this one:

May the Lord God bless you and keep you from the torments of fear and anxiety.
May He cause His face to shine upon you with His power and love, and may He
give you a sound mind.

Through His perfect love, may God give you grace to cast out fear.
May He lift up His countenance upon you with freedom as you tell Him every detail
of your need in earnest, thankful prayer, and may He give you His peace that
surpasses all understanding as He keeps your heart and mind safe through Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul declared,

"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies, and God of all comfort."

These words might be used to bless someone who is enduring deep sorrow,
as follows:
May God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of all comfort,
encourage your heart and protect you from despair.
May He cause His face to shine upon you as you rejoice in the midst of troubles
and trials, putting your faith in Him and being confident of His lovingkindness
toward you.

May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you with the riches of His joy and pleasure,
and may He give you His peace in your heart and soul.

May the Lord make you confident in His love and provision for your peace
and well-being.

As you speak these words in prayer or speak them directly to the person
for whom they are written, you will invoke the power, grace, and
blessing of God upon him.

You also could write out the blessing and mail it or take it to the person for
whom you are interceding; and God might use it as a great source of
encouragement in his life.

Debbie is an author, speaker, and the founder of Dare 2 Hear,
a ministry training individuals in hearing the voice of God.

International Ministries